Aerobic Activity For Healthy Digestion: How Aerobic Activity Relieves Indigestion And Constipation

More than 60 million Americans suffer from heartburn. About 4 million Americans suffer from constipation. Between 10% and 15% of people around the world are afflicted with irritable bowel syndrome. Aerobic activity won't resolve all these problems in every case, but it can do a lot to help.

Anxiety, anger, and stress stimulate the overproduction of stomach acid in an inactive person because he does not have sufficient energy outlet for his emotions. These stomach acids are meant for the digestion of food, but since there is no food present, the stomach acid begins instead to eat away at the stomach lining. Eventually the result may be painful stomach ulcers. However, regular aerobic activity tends to relax the system and relieve anger and stress, partly because the destructive energy that fuels anxiety, stress and anger is diverted constructively to the parts of the body that need the energy for movement.

Constipation is a common affliction by which people have difficulty in eliminating body wastes through their bowel and have difficulty in producing three or more bowel movements per week. The entire digestive track is lined with special core muscles that move the food through the system as it is being digested and broken down. With age, and especially with inactivity, these core muscles become lax and have difficulty moving the material through and eliminating it. Aerobic activity conditions the body so that it can deliver a much higher concentration of oxygen to these core muscles so that they can move the material through and eliminate it more efficiently. The movements of aerobic activity also tend to stimulate the core muscles and help them pass the material through the system. Those who practice regular aerobic activity are rarely irregular (pun intended).

Aerobic activity can also help to relieve the discomfort of gas trapped in the bowels. As food is being broken down so that it can be absorbed into the blood, one normal byproduct of digestion is methane gas. This is normally no great problem since the movement of core digestive muscles along the bowels tends to eliminate these gases quickly. But since the core digestive muscles in an unconditioned person are lax, the elimination of gas from his system is inefficient. As a result, methane gas can build up in the bowels and may become quite uncomfortable or even painful. The movement of aerobic activity does much to aid the elimination of intestinal gasses and relieve the discomfort.

Mark Roof has experienced first hand the changes that aerobic activity has made in his own life, and he is eager to share the benefits with the world. There is more on the subject of Cardio Aerobics Exercise for healthy digestion, sleep, and psychological health. Or, if you want the whole story, please visit

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