Does Aerobic Exercise Burn Off Muscle Mass?

Aerobic exercise is focused on recurring body movements, which increases your pulse, and keeps it elevated for a time period. Aerobic exercise isn't simply jogging. It can take form in several varieties including circuit training, interval training and also everyday activities like cleaning up.

Throughout aerobic exercise, there's an order in which the energy systems are employed.

1. Carbohydrates from the food you eat, in addition to glycogen, that is stored in your muscles as well as the liver, ready to be used as instant fuel.

2. Fats coming from food and also from your body already.

3. Proteins and amino acids from the muscle tissues.

By using this knowledge, it's crystal clear that yes aerobic exercise does burn up muscle eventually. Here your body goes into a catabolic state, as it has utilized the two primary energy fuels to maintain the cardiovascular activity. After this is done, proteins from the muscles are used to maintain the activity.

The next critical point to discuss is, precisely what point in the cardiovascular exercise will the body exhaust the 2 primary fuels and begin to start making use of amino acids? It is frequently acknowledged this takes place whenever you do cardio workouts above an hour or so. I never perform a cardio session for longer than 60 minutes anyway; so if you carry out one of my workout plans you've got no need to worry about losing muscle mass while doing cardio.

However suppose you perform a sport which goes on longer than an hour. Then yes, cardio exercise would burn muscle if you don't act tactically. Nonetheless you can stop this from taking place. First off, 2-3 hours before you begin performing, you will want to consume a well-balanced meal with carbs, fat as well as proteins. This is so when you commence playing, you are utilizing fuel directly from your meals.

Right before you start performing and also during the activity, you should take an isotonic sports drink that will fuel you with more glycogen in order to spare muscle loss. Furthermore, if executing your sport three or more occasions per week don't be worried about undertaking organized cardio exercise, you are burning enough calories with your sport for optimum health.

If you're set on body building, it is best to stay away from extended chronic cardio exercise sessions such as marathon running, since even utilizing the above ideas won't prevent you burning up muscle as the event is quite lengthy in duration.

Steering clear of cardio workouts at all costs to build lean muscle is really a bad idea. It's very clear that some of the best professional athletes possess the best physiques and they carry out aerobic exercise don't they? Aerobic exercise also improves your performance at building muscle. If you wish to develop big muscles, it's best to perform higher volume training with little rest in between sets.

For those who have an inadequate cardiovascular system, you will not be able to carry out the muscle-building part of your workout properly. Regularly, I notice individuals at the gym performing resistance training, and they get out of breath because they're in poor condition.

You now know that aerobic exercise does burn muscle under certain conditions, and you also know how to prevent this. You also now know that aerobic exercise can actually help you build muscle instead of wasting calories for muscle growth.

About the Author: Michael McIntyre is a trainer who gives advice to men and women who want a body that has "The Hollywood Look". Get the big & toned physique like a fitness model or favourite Hollywood superstar by checking out my website My website is the opposite to traditional bodybuilding websites which encourage you to be lazy when away from the gym to save the precious calories for muscle building, you now know the answer to does cardio burn muscle, but check out my website for the best type of cardio you should be performing while building muscle.

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