Advice to Spice Up Your Cardio Workout

One of the things which make cardio workouts distasteful for many people is the fact that they find them boring. In a way, it's understandable, running for 45 or 60 minutes on a treadmill can be a bit dull. The question is how do you spice up your cardio workout to make it more fun and interesting. Here are some tips:

1. Go outdoors - If you run on a treadmill then you're not even moving at all. Is it any wonder that you get bored? Unless you have a TV that you can watch in your gym, with a program that you actually enjoy, gym cardio can get boring very quickly. To help avoid that I suggest going outdoors and doing your workouts in the fresh air with a changing scenery.

2. Change your workout - If you do the same type of cardio time and time again, you will likely get bored with it sooner or later. I recommend trying out a variety of different cardiovascular workouts. Running, swimming, and cycling are a good place to start. You may also choose from a variety of different aerobic classes and various sports.

3. Change your pace - Running or cycling at the same or similar speed for 30 minutes can become repetitive and dull. You can and should change your pace during the workout itself, including some sprints in your workout. Changing your pace every few minutes will keep the workout more "alive" and help you feel energized and challenged.

4. Change the terrain - If you're working out outdoors (which you should) then changing the scenery and the terrain can help to spice up your cardio. Why run the same stretch of road every time? Try a new location. Don't just cycle on a plain, include some uphill cycling in your route. Just change your workout environment and you will feel much better.

5. Include some strength exercises - Unless you're preparing for a long distance race, there's no reason why you need to run for 30 - 45 minutes straight. One way to make your workout more interesting is to include some strength exercises in it. For instance, in the middle of you run stop and do some squats or push-ups. Then continue running until you stop again and do some lunges. Play with it and see which exercises work for you.

The main thing is to do a workout plan that you can stick to for months and years. When you find that, you're on the right path.

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Jonathan Dunsky writes on weight loss and fitness.

Original article

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