Exercises for Novices on the Mini Trampoline

Mini trampolines make exercising fun. They're terrific for workout enthusiasts at all levels. Mini trampolines provide all of the benefits of a concentrated plyometric exercise session minus the strenuous impact on joints which can occur with traditional jumping. Before you start with a regular mini trampoline fitness routine, we suggest that you practice some of these basic moves first to get yourself familiarized with working with the equipment and cut safety risks. Once you get the hang of these moves, stick around Mini Trampoline Headquarters for more trampoline workouts!

First you must master stepping off and on of the mini trampoline. If you cannot manage the mount and dismount, none of the rest matters! Make sure when you step on the trampoline, you put one foot directly in the center and then tilt your body slowly on to that foot until you can lift your other foot up with it. When you are ready to step off, it is best to step off to the rear with one foot. Make sure to look first before you take the step.

Once you are comfortable doing this, you can make it into an exercise, much like step aerobics. Basically you just step on to the trampoline with your right foot, bring your right foot up with it. After that step back to the ground with your opposite foot and bring your other foot down with it. Then repeat with you opposite foot. Go on with this slowly the start increasing the speed as necessary to get a great cardiovascular workout!

An additional move to master is simply bouncing up and down. In order to do this correctly while also not causing injuries make sure to keep yourself centered on the trampoline.

Begin by centering yourself on the trampoline with your feet together. Begin with short bounces in which your feet don't stop touching the trampoline. Continuing to bounce higher until your feet do leave the trampoline, however make sure not to bounce too high and be aware of where the ceiling is so you don't bump your head. Do not bounce more than a couple of inches off the trampoline because that is all that is needed to get the desired results.

A great move to include in your fitness program is running in place, walking or jogging. This is a great exercise for cardio that decreases the impact to your joints. First, begin by centering yourself on the mini trampoline. Next, lift one foot up at a time in a marching movement. The higher you lift your foot, the better workout you will receive. You can then speed up to a jog or run if you are able.

Mini trampolines are astonishingly great for taking your yoga routine to the next level. To begin, keep steady on one foot, with your other foot just raised slightly. Hold this posture as long as possible. Next you can extend your other leg out to the side, in front of you, and behind you. After you can do that, you can take a shot at some popular standing poses such as the tree pose or the chair pose. Working on these will increase your balance since you will be doing them on a flexible surface.

After you conquer these simple workouts you'll be ready to move on to more advanced mini trampoline exercise routines.

For more information on how to get the most out of your mini trampoline, including workout videos, reviews, and information, visit Mini Trampoline Headquarters online.

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Zumba - Dance Yourself Fit

What Is Zumba?
Zumba is a Latin-inspired calorie burning dance exercise. Classes have an exhilarating party atmosphere, are easy to follow and are fantastic for toning and sculpting. Once you get into the swing you won't even realise you are exercising as it's so much fun!

Zumba is a Latin-inspired calorie burning dance exercise. Classes have an exhilarating party atmosphere, are easy to follow and are fantastic for toning and sculpting. Once you get into the swing you won't even realize you are exercising as it's so much fun!

When we think of trips to the gym it's often boredom and repetition which puts us of. Endlessly running on a treadmill or trudging on a cross-trainer or exercise bike. At best we might have some music or be able to watch a screen for some entertainment. With Zumba classes it's totally different! The party atmosphere doesn't feel like an exercise class and you'll find you look forward to classes and won't want to miss them!

Zumba is far more than a dance class it's dance based aerobic fitness class which will give you an all over body workout. The benefits for calorie burning and body sculpting are fantastic and at the same time you are learning basic steps from dances such as the Cha Cha, Salsa and Merengue. Zumba classes feature exotic rhythms set to high-energy Latin and international beats and the music creates a real energy in the classes.

It's amazing how the fitness industry has evolved over the years and it now recognizes that people don't just want the benefits of exercise, they want to enjoy it as they're doing it! Remember 'step classes' which most gyms offered a few years ago? Yes they had calorie burning and weight loss benefits but they were so boring and repetitive even the best instructors struggled to make them fun! Alternative fitness classes like Zumba have changed all that and as well as enjoying the dance rhythms and music during a class you leave feeling totally invigorated and energized.

For some years now forward thinking exercise gurus have recognized that dancing is a better way to get fit than traditional exercises like weight training and running. It's not just the fact that dance based classed like Zumba will exercise and tone your entire body. Because they are so enjoyable and give you a sense of total wellbeing you are far more likely to attend regularly and see long term benefits.

Looking for Zumba classes in Los Angeles? Evolve Dance Studio is the Premiere Alternative Pole and Dance Studio, where dance is fitness. Visit http://www.evolvedancestudio.com/ or 323.230.9605 to schedule your first Zumba class.

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Cardio Exercise - Elliptical Machine Benefits

There are many benefits to using an elliptical trainers. Some of the elliptical machine benefits include weight loss, cardiovascular health improvements, muscle toning, and mental health and wellness. An elliptical machine is a great tool for improving health and puts less stress on the body than other types of workout equipment.

Elliptical Machine Benefits - Weight Loss

Elliptical trainer machines are great for weight loss. Elliptical machines can give you a great workout that can burn about 200+ calories in about 30 minutes at a moderate intensity level. It is also much easier on your feet, knees, and hips than a treadmill or running outdoors. As long as you are maintaining a healthy diet an elliptical machine can yield great results for your weight loss efforts.

Elliptical Machine Benefits - Cardiovascular Health

Another of the important elliptical machine benefits is the great cardiovascular exercise you can get from the machine. The cardiovascular system is composed primarily of your heart and blood vessels, the purpose of which is to deliver oxygen to the various parts of your body through the blood.

Understandably, the health of this system is very important to your overall health. Heart disease or clogged arteries can lead to serious problems. In fact, heart disease is the leading cause of death in many countries.

One of the things you can do to improve your cardiovascular health is to get about 30 minutes of exercise 5 times per week. This exercise should be vigorous enough to raise your heart rate to what is known as the "Cardio Zone." To figure out what heart rate you should be targeting, first find your maximum heart rate by multiplying your age by 0.67, then subtract this number from 206.9. Here's the formula:

Maximum Heart Rate = 206.9 - (0.67 * Age)

So, if you are 30:

206.9 - 20.1 = 186.8

70-85% of this number is your cardio heart rate zone. So, going with the example of 30 years of age, the cardio zone would be between 130 and 159 beats per minute. An elliptical machine can easily help you reach this target. It may be a good idea to find an elliptical machine that has a chest strap with a very accurate heart rate monitor to help you stay in the zone.

In addition to this, if you want to improve your cardiovascular health you should eat healthy. Avoid foods high in saturated fat, sodium, and cholesterol. Smoking is another contributor to cardiovascular disease, so it may be a good idea to quit if you are a smoker.

Elliptical Machine Benefits - Muscle Toning

Toned muscles can also help you to lose or maintain weight. This is because your body exerts energy just to maintain muscle tissue, which raises your metabolism. Basically, you are burning more calories even when your aren't doing anything.

To tone muscle with an elliptical trainer you should spend part of your workout using your arms to pump the ski pole like hand bars rather than pedaling with your feet. This can help build muscle tone in your arms. Also, pedaling in reverse and changing incline and resistance levels can help you target different muscle groups.

Elliptical Machine Benefits - Mental Health

As with any exercise routine, working out on an elliptical trainer machine has mental health benefits. Exercise is a great way to get rid of stress. In addition, you can generally let you mind wander freely while doing your exercise. I find this to be a great time to reflect on my day, to think of my plans for the future, and just to work though any unresolved thoughts going on in my head. In fact, I think best when I am in motion.

I often find that when I am in a mental funk that a moderate exercise is just the thing I need to pull me out and get me going again.

These are just a few of the most important benefits to using an elliptical trainer. I also recommend purchasing an elliptical trainer for your home. To find the best elliptical trainer for home use visit my site at Sole E35 Reviews, which can be found at http://www.solee35reviews.com/. You can also find more articles with tips on using elliptical trainers for health benefits and weight loss.

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Cardio for Scoliosis

Scoliosis is defined as a sideways curving of the spine. A normal spine curves inward in the lumbar region and outward in the thoracic region in the mid-back. When the curvature begins to develop laterally, it can affect muscles, nerves, other bones and even organs.

The most noticeable symptoms of scoliosis are: 1) shoulders and/or pelvis of uneven height and 2) one shoulder that sticks out more than the other. The possible complications of scoliosis are varied, but not severe in a vast majority of cases. As the spine bends sideways, vertebrae become tilted at the bends and the discs in between them experience uneven pressure. This leaves people with scoliosis susceptible to early disc degeneration. Some people may have mild breathing complications, since a curve in the thoracic spine affects the positioning of the ribs.

Many people do not experience muscular pain due to scoliosis, since the condition develops in childhood and the body grows to adapt to it. Disc-related pain is the greatest concern for people with scoliosis who wish to maintain a high level of activity.

Cardiovascular exercise is an essential component of a healthy life. Keeping the heart and lungs in peak physical condition allows large volumes of oxygen-rich blood to flow to the body's tissues, keeping them healthy and strong. People with scoliosis may find this type of exercise difficult, since the spine is a high-impact area.

Common forms of cardio, such as running and cycling, may be painful for those with scoliosis. When running, the body transfers forces to the ground, which reciprocates a force on the body. The spine experiences a significant amount of compression while running, which could be harmful to those with angled vertebrae. The same occurs when cycling; every irregularity in the ground jolts the spine.

Cardio exercise is not outside the realm of possibility for those with scoliosis. Since the curved spine is sensitive to jolting, forms of exercise that keep the heart rate up without loading the spine are ideal. The following are considered safe scoliosis cardio exercises:

1. Water Aerobics: Exercising in water is ideal for anyone with back pain and spinal problems; the water takes the weight of your body, leaving your spine unburdened. It is also ideal for both strength-building and cardiovascular training, since the density of the water resists your body's movement. This keeps your muscles, heart and lungs working hard. Swimming is the most common water exercise, but water aerobics classes offer more varied workouts.

2. Elliptical Training: Elliptical machines provide the benefits of running without the jarring effects. This machine allows you to glide rather than run, leaving your spine unburdened.

3. Stair Machines: These machines allow you to step as if walking up stairs, but with less force being transferred through your feet to the rest of your body.

4. Walking: This low-intensity exercise is ideal for those wishing to maintain a healthy body. It may not satisfy those looking for an intense workout, however.

If any of the above cause you pain, you may simply be pushing yourself too hard. Start slow and work your way up to more intense workouts. Cardio is essential for those with scoliosis. Knowing which exercises will benefit and which will harm you is the one of the most important components of back pain management. See http://www.livestrong.com/article/394848-taboo-exercises-for-scoliosis/ for a list of exercises to avoid.

Education in back pain is the cheapest form of self preservation. Learn about what causes back pain and 4 other things that cause sciatic nerve pain.

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90 Days to A Flat Belly

Getting Miraculous Weight Loss and Perfect Abs: The Road to a Perfect Washboard and Waistline

Everybody's wants them. Everybody's gotta have them. Everyone wants a better body and that starts with battling that dreaded midsection.

There is no overnight solution for perfect abs. You cannot rub a miracle cream on your torso and viola! Your abdominals are firm and defined. Nor can you eat your way to perfect abs or crunch your way to a whittled waistline.

Getting abs that are flat and defined takes time. And, guess what? It takes dedication and consistency. You need a multifaceted, thorough plan that you apply daily to see your great abs come to fruition. But, if you are dedicated and motivated, the victory will be sweet. The 4 step plan below is a sure to help even the fattest, flabbiest bellies get slim and trim.

Getting Miraculous Weight Loss and Perfect Abs: Step 1: Stop Drinking What You Are Drinking

There is no need to go into the science. There are just some simple facts. Skip the beer. Put down the Pilsner altogether. Skip the wine. Skip the soda. Skip the milk. And, chuck the juice.

Each of these add excess calories, excess sugar or expose you to artificial and natural hormones and additives that disrupt the body's fat burning ability. Exchange those drinks for drinking 1 - 2 cups of unsweetened Green Tea, water infused with lemon and a raw protein shake.

Getting Miraculous Weight Loss and Perfect Abs: Step 2: Stop Taking Your Multivitamin

Most multivitamins are made from synthetic chemicals. These chemicals can actually hinder weight loss or trigger weight gain. Add a whole food multivitamin to your daily regimen. Try Nature's Best or Garden of Life Along with it add a waist burning supplement, like Slimatrol Waist Burn. Take these daily and they will help your love handles tremendously.

Getting Miraculous Weight Loss and Perfect Abs: Step 3: Cut the Carbs and Move Your Butt

Carbs are the worst enemy to a flat belly. You need to reduce your intake of potato chips, French fries, cookies, candy and cake. Additionally, watch the beans. Bean often can make the stomach swell. When you eat carbohydrates, focus in on whole grains in moderation, wild yams and low sugar, organic fresh fruits. Make sure you get some activity in everyday. If you don't have time to exercise take a natural caffeine free weight loss supplement called Bioneferin. It will boost your natural metabolism. Healthy adults who took Bioneferin lost an average 5 to 7 pounds a month with no exercise or only minimal dietary changes. You have to do aerobics. Spot training just won't cut it. Walking at a speed of 1 mile every 13 minutes will effectively challenge your body and stimulate fat burning in your belly. There is no need to jog if your body can't pull it off. Just get going.

Getting Miraculous Weight Loss and Perfect Abs: Step 4: Develop a Training Regimen That Works

Your ab workout needs to be complete. It should be aerobic as well as strength building. Kickboxing and Mixed Martial Arts are great aerobic activities for abs. You should also consider simple at home exercises like knee lifts, kicks and jumping jacks. They have a great effect of building a lean midsection. For strength training, basic crunches, side bends, bicycles and scissors should be done. Do these workouts at least four times a week and make sure that you are walking as well. If you follow this plan for 90 days, you will lose inches off of your waist and see a slimmer belly as well.

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Aerobics Music

Listening to music is a great way to prepare yourself mentally for participating in any activity. The power of music to influence, cajole and inspire us as humans is a well known fact. Its use in aerobics is no less potent, as music in this form stimulates the body and energizes it for the workout at hand.

So, if you are having problems in establishing an exercise routine or perhaps are so unmotivated that you have not even started; consider incorporating some aerobics music in your routine to kick start your regimen.

Benefits of Using Aerobics Music

Motivation is definitely the main benefit to be had from using aerobics music as a part of your regular routine. Lively upbeat music will certainly get you in the frame of mind to get up and get going. Tough with respect to being motivated, different persons are motivated by different factors, so the genre of music used in this case would be highly personalized. Irrespective if the genre chosen, typically aerobics music should be one which starts of gradually eventually building into a lively rhythm, then tapers off close to the end of the workout in a cooling off session.

Adding music to your aerobics sessions may help you to increase the intensity as well as the duration of your workout as listening and moving to the music your mind will not necessarily be on the exercise in itself. Instead of just doing reps because you know you should, you will now be enjoying the entire workout without even thinking of it as a duty.

Another great, but often overlooked benefit of adding music to your exercise regimen is the distraction factor. Music will distract you from experiencing boredom, fatigue and even pain. So if you are feeling any discomfort such as excessive tiredness or if you just had a bad day, you can just allow your mind to focus on the music and the beat instead of the issues at hand.

Types of Music

While there is certainly no hard and fast rule governing which type of music has to be used in an aerobics session, you will inadvertently meant to use music that is fast and will inspire you to get moving. There are many aerobics music videos and CD's on the market that will cater for various energy levels and tastes. While the selection is definitely up to you, it is advisable that you choose something that you enjoy and which has a nice rhythm to it.

Also, try to make sure that the speed of and intensity of the music that you have chosen is in tandem with the level of aerobics activity that you will be partaking in. Whether your workout is super fast, moderate, intense or slower paced, them the music that you will eventually select should be in sync for obvious reasons.

Almost all genres can be converted into aerobic music, just remember that the music should keep you on your toes and moving at a fast pace. Once it satisfies these criteria, regardless if it is traditional aerobic music or not, it will be effective.

Discover the advantages of living a healthy lifestyle and see the benefits that a well balanced diet can do for you. For more information about weight loss, healthy living, getting the proper diet and exercise and other useful health tips go to: Health Tips 101

Get Your "FREE" Diet & Exercise Tips Newsletter Today! And For A Limited Time Get The Fantastic FREE Report "Better Health With Vitamins" And Discover How To Live Longer And Live Stronger!

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Cheap Bootcamp Home Workouts

Cheap bootcamp home workouts are a great alternative to going the expensive route and joining a fitness bootcamp. This is one of the exercise trends these days that everyone wants to try because their friend is seeing results and enjoying it. I recently searched online for a bootcamp to join and came across many bootcamps charging around $149 a month. That is a steep price for me to pay as well as any other middle class person with a family. To justify spending that amount of money my whole family would have to go.

I was forced into looking for an alternative. I found some cheap bootcamp home workout videos in stores and online but the only problem with videos is that they have limited amounts of routines. To get the best workout results you should be changing up your workout every 4 weeks. The bootcamp DVDs you will find are only a short term workout solution. In a month you will be looking for something to replace it.

I had recently been using Turbulence Training workouts so I decided to give the bootcamp workouts manual a try. It comes equipped with 31 different routines that include pictures and a description for each exercise. There are also templates for making your own bootcamp home workouts if you want to change it up. Most of the exercises are bodyweight but you can also benefit from having an exercise ball, dumbbells and a bench. These workouts will last you for almost 10 months if you rotate 3 routines and switch them up every 4 weeks.

The best thing I like about doing bodyweight workouts is that you can do them anywhere. Bootcamp workouts can be done on vacation, at the beach, in the yard, at your friends or even in the playground when you take your kids to play. It's a win-win for the whole family. No more commuting to the gym or hiring a babysitter to watch the kids while my wife and I go to workout.

These cheap bootcamp home workouts aren't like some other home workouts that aren't effective. This manual is actually created for personal trainers to use for their bootcamp business. If you are in the personal training business you could actually use this manual and run your own bootcamp. There is also an additional package which provides personal trainers with some extra materials for creating and running a successful bootcamp business.

If you would like more information on Boot camp Workouts you can get a free bootcamp workout and body weight workout at http://bootcamp-exercises.info/free-bootcamp-exercises/

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Aerobic Activity For Psychological Health: Aerobic Activity Improves Mental Fitness and Character

Aerobic activity greatly increases a person's blood-oxygen supply. The benefits extend to every part and tissue in the body, including the brain. The more oxygen the brain receives, the better it can function.

An inadequate supply of oxygen brings incoherent thoughts, dizziness, and fainting. Without oxygen, brain cells begin to die within about five minutes. I once had an aunt who suffered from chronic emphysema after smoking all her life. As she neared the end, she constantly complained about feeling confused. Of course, this was because her brain was receiving so little oxygen that she couldn't hold coherent thoughts.

An unconditioned person, who does not do regular aerobic activity but is otherwise healthy, will not experience the same dizziness and incoherency as someone with chronic emphysema, but his mind is far from working at the peak performance that it is capable of. In general, physically unconditioned students have a low academic aptitude and have difficulty learning, due in part to reduced memory power. Of course, there are many exceptions to this rule. Some unconditioned students may even excel academically, but the performance is not as good as what it might be.

Regular aerobic activity will tend to optimize the brain's oxygen supply. Even a slight increase in the oxygen level produces a noticeable improvement. With an enriched oxygen, supply the brain works much more efficiently. The mind is clearer and more alert. Concentration is more easily focused. Memory improves, making learning easier.

Regular aerobic activity can also dramatically affect a person's character and self-discipline. In military academies such as West Point it has long been noted unconditioned cadets have a much higher drop out rate because they are not able to absorb the training and discipline of military life. In general, their academic aptitude is also much lower.

Over time, the effects of regular aerobic activity produce a very conspicuous improvement in a person's self-image and sense of self-worth. This has a positive effect on a person's mind-set toward every goal set before him. The noticeable changes and improvements in his body bring a strong sense of accomplishment which translates itself into an attitude of self-confidence.

In military establishments like West Point, where discipline and fitness are a must, it has long been established that the best athletes are usually also the best students and become the best officers. Kenneth H. Cooper, the Air Force doctor who wrote the manual on aerobic activity for the U.S. Air Force and Navy (also used by the Royal Canadian Air Force), noted dramatic transformations in the disposition of the cadets. As they became conditioned by aerobic activity, introverts became extroverts, and those prone to anxiety became self-confident and were able to relax more easily.

Mark Roof has experienced first hand the changes that aerobic activity has made in his own life, and he is eager to share the benefits with the world. There is more on the subject of Cardio Aerobics Exercise for healthy digestion, sleep, and psychological health. Or, if you want the whole story, please visit aerobicexcellence.com

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Belly Dance Your Way To A Sexy Body

When we hear the term 'Belly Dance' we may think of ancient times and a dance performed purely to entertain men. All that has changed in recent years and in the West it has become a fantastic form of exercise we can use to tone and sculpt our bodies while having fun!

A belly dance exercise class is a total body workout with real calorie burning benefits. You get the benefits of a cardio, sculpting and stretching workout while having a great time! A fantastic alternative fitness option, belly dancing gives us a chance to experience ancient dance forms with a fused and modern twist.

When the French first saw the dance they called it the Danse Du Ventre. This translates as 'dance of the abdomen' and hundreds of years later it was the American GI's who translated the French expression into "The Belly Dance." It's origins can be traced back as far as 4,000 BC and when you take part in a class you get a real sense of the magic of the past in the hypnotic moves and rhythms.

The classes are suitable for beginners so do not feel you have to be a good dancer to take part. You will learn the basic moves such as hip circles, snake arms and 'shimmies.' The toning and sculpting benefits are fantastic as you are moving your entire body to the music. Best of all, classes are fun and enjoyable unlike traditional gym classes and workouts most of us have tried! There are also real weight loss benefits and you will burn calories during the dancing.

The benefits of belly dance are both physical and mental. It helps to improve your sense of well being and body image and increases self esteem. Taking part in sessions regularly will slim your body into a beautiful, sexy shape and there is no risk of strain or injury as the movements are natural and graceful. You will also find it helps to de-stress and energize your entire body you will leave a class with more energy than when you arrive!

This ancient dance will put you in touch with your sensual feminine nature with graceful movements and hypnotic music. As well as the fitness and physical benefits you will get a sense of ancient cultures. Some classes also use Bollywood beats and music and this can increase the tempo and bring a more modern angle to this fabulous dance style.

If you are looking for a Dance Studio in Los Angeles for Belly Dance Classes, visit http://www.evolvedancestudio.com/ or call 323.230.9605 to schedule your class with Rosalba Jasso now!

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Is Cardio Good for Fat Loss?

20 years or so ago, if you were searching for a way to lose weight, you would most likely have been directed to get on the treadmill or the elliptical machine for 30 minutes at a minimum. This would have been considered sound advice and a sure way to get those unwanted pounds off. Those were the days in which cardio workouts reigned supreme as the one true way to lose weight.

In recent years, this point of view has been challenged. Some trainers even go as fat as create programs which include no trace of the sort of cardio workouts that we know. They claim that it is simply a waste of time to do cardio, at least the way it has been done in the past.

Which of these two points of view is correct? Is cardio good for fat loss or is it merely a waste of your valuable time?

The truth, as usual, is somewhere in the middle.

The basic rule of weight loss is that when you burn more calories than you consume, you lose weight. It's that simple. The more active you are, the more calories you burn so your overall calorie deficit can become bigger.

Cardio is an activity. When you perform a cardio workout you burn more calories than you would have done in an inactive state. So, cardio is good for fat loss because it does generate an increase in the amount of calories that you burn.

However, it is not the ultimate solution to weight loss that it was thought to be. There are other ways to train which may provide better and faster results.

The first of such methods is known as HIIT, or interval training. This is a form of cardio, but it is very different from the way most people do it. When you do intervals you do not spend an hour on a treadmill or a recumbent bike, exercising at a medium but steady pace.

When you do intervals you change your pace in short intervals, moving from high intensity to low. This has been shown to produce faster fat loss results than traditional cardio.

The second method is strength training. This is something that a lot of people, women in particular shy away from. This is unfortunate because weight lifting is excellent for fat loss as it boosts your metabolism.

The best way to get rid of excess body fat is to combine cardio with strength training. This is how you will achieve the quickest results.

For more tips on how to do cardio to get lean visit Cardio For Fat Loss.
To see how you can lose belly fat visit Flat Belly Solution.
John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life.

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Best Cardio for Women to Burn Fat

There is a common misconception that only men have issues with abdominal fat. The fact is that almost every woman suffers from this problem at least once in their lifetime. Pregnancy, menopause, polycystic ovaries and genetic predispositions can make women lose their waistlines. Of course, diet is one of the options you should consider when you want to lose weight, but the combination of proper nutrition and exercising always give the best results.

Our tummy is one of the most stubborn body parts for losing weight. Only teenagers can build up six-pack abs quickly. The rest of us have to put some serious effort in the procedure. After you start trying, it becomes clears that doing endless series of sit-ups are far from enough - you do shape up your abs by doing them, but they stay buried under layers of fat.

If you are trying to burn your extra belly padding with cardio exercise, you probably already know that not everything is in intensity and length of the training. Forcing yourself to go beyond your limits can be even dangerous - it might happen that you injure yourself, or endanger your health, especially if you haven't exactly been a fitness guru in last couple of years. Remember that it took you months and years to accumulate that extra weight around your waist and that you need some time and persistence in order to get rid of it.

So, if you are a woman who wants to lose weight in the abdominal area, you should definitely start slowly and exercise regularly. Most of the women want to do something creative with their time and they get easily bored with the intense cardio workout if it is monotonous. If you have problems with the lack of motivation, choose one of the group trainings at least three times a week, and do the rest all by yourself. That will keep you active even if you don't want to do it.

Devote 20 minutes of every day to intense cardio training on any gym machine or group activity you like or at your own home. You could even walk or run outside, as long as you feel happy and confident with what you are doing. After a workout, do 15 minutes of low cardio and feed yourself immediately, because your body is looking for the calories you lost. Smoothies and protein shakes are the best food you can get after a workout.

And don't forget about one of the most important components of weight loosing process - always believe in yourself no matter what you do and stay faithful to your goals. Soon, you will be delighted to look at the mirror and see a nicely shaped figure in that magnificent long-forgotten dress that is languishing in the back of your closet somewhere.

To know more on the best cardio to lose fat or how to lose love handles for men, visit AbdominalFatLossDiet.com.

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Road Running or Treadmill Running?

Most gyms are lined with treadmills yet, there is usually a road outside the gym, couldn't you just run there? It's free and at least you feel like you are moving.

So why are there so many treadmills in these gyms? And why are they always full?

Surely it's a question of taste? After all, it's the same thing isn't it?

Often you will hear how road running is a heavy impact activity which can cause damage to your knees. Treadmills are cushioned to absorb the impact and is therefore safer. You don't have to deal with the weather. The surface is even and you don't have to be mindful of your safety from muggers or inattentive drivers.

Yes, treadmills are the way to go, aren't they?

Let's look deeper.

What happens when we run?

Firstly we extend one leg out in front using our quadriceps (thigh muscles). Before bringing the foot down and make contact with the ground. At this point the posterior (rear) muscles take over pulling and flexing the leg to propel us forward as the other leg extends out to repeat the sequence.

So very simplistically, we are constantly performing leg extensions followed by leg curls, working the muscles on both sides of the leg.

However, on a treadmill this is not the case. We still extend our leg, but upon connecting with the belt of the treadmill, it takes over and rather than propelling our bodies forward with the posterior leg muscles, the belt does this for us by pulling the foot backwards. Essentially, as far as our leg muscles are concerned, we are doing half the work and are only using the anterior (front) muscles to do it.

This means, firstly, less calories burned due to fewer recruited muscles and secondly, the imbalance is likely to cause stress, particularly to the knee.

This goes somewhat against the argument that treadmill running is safer than outdoor running as far as your joints are concerned.

Further, according to a study by the University of East London (1998) the hip flexion angle increases significantly when running on a treadmill. Hip and knee flexion angles have to increase to bring the hip through the stride causing a tightening and fatigue of the hip flexor muscles. As a result technique alters automatically to counter this weakness causing poor form. This can also cause knee pain, compounding the issue of the imbalanced muscle development.

Researchers have also found that when the foot lands on the belt of a treadmill, the foot, ankle and shin, become temporarily part of the belt and move backwards from the centre mass of the body at the same speed. This means the shinbone is not as upright as with normal running and is forced into a greater range of motion, which in turn can lead to stress of both the bone and its supporting muscles (causing a tight feeling often referred to as shin splints).

All this is not to say running on a treadmill should be avoided entirely. As a means of warming up or an occasional CV workout it is as good as any.

Also, during the winter months in particular, the risks involved with running outside may well outweigh the benefits, in which case using a treadmill would be a good alternative to avoid losing progression.

If your concern is burning calories and you would rather stay indoors, I'd suggest you would get more benefit from circuit style training where a good balance of muscle groups can be catered for. You can get your heart rate up just the same and ensure opposing muscle groups are equally worked, which will not only burn more calories in the long run, but will help prevent injury and make you functionally fitter.

In short, treadmills have their place, but the next time you go to get on one, stop and have a look outside. There's a whole world out there to explore, places you miss in your every day commutes. Why not get some fresh air in your lungs, some vitamin D and all the additional benefits associated with road running? At least you'll feel like you're getting somewhere.

Dynamic Core Solutions is an International Coaching Health & Fitness Resource that can provide you with incredible, life & Physique Transformation result and the information on how to achieve them.

If you are interested in finding out more on fat burning, road running or general fitness information, head over to dynamiccoresolutions.com for more information and to find a more detailed version of this article.

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Ways to Use Boxing Training to Help You Lose Weight

Chances are that, by now, you've tried just about every diet out there-all with no long-term success. That's mostly because we tend to go on a diet and do well for a while, until we become bored, or simply grow tired of following it. Sound familiar? If so, don't beat yourself up too much over it. After all, you're here to learn about losing weight doing something physical and that's a great and healthy way to go about losing the weight!

Before you start any workout or weight loss plan, however, you should see your doctor to ensure that you're healthy enough to begin. And if you are, congrats! It's time you got serious about taking better care of your health and getting in shape is a great way to do just that. Boxing is an excellent way to lose weight, especially since its cardio benefits are fantastic and cardio is a necessary part of any successful weight loss program.

When doing any type of cardiovascular exercise, and this includes boxing, you should be sure to keep your pulse rate within a healthy range. If you're not familiar with the term 'target heart rate' or THR, it's actually a zone that falls in between 60 to 80 percent of your maximum rate. Not sure what your maximum pulse rate is? Figuring it out isn't too difficult.

To determine your maximum heart rate, simply subtract your current age from 220 (for men) or 226 (for women). Try to keep your pulse rate from going above this number when exercising. Then, to figure out your THR, simply multiply your maximum heart rate by 60 percent and then again by 80 percent. The results are the number of beats per minute you should aim to keep your rate between. For example, a 42 year old woman has a maximum heart rate of 184. Sixty percent of this is 110 and 80 percent is 147; therefore, she would need to keep her heart rate between 110 and 147 beats per minute to maintain her target heart rate.

Boxing can and does get your heart rate up up up! And many people who try it are amazed at the total body workout it provides. And working muscles are muscles that are burning fat. Not only that, but boxing is a great way to interval train. Go ahead and box for a full round or even to an entire song and you'll quickly and easily get your heart rate into its target zone. Not only that but boxing is a fantastic way to take out your aggressions on an inanimate object. So box away and watch the pounds melt off!

To know the best cardio to lose fat and get fit, visit the website: http://abdominalfatlossdiet.com/. It offers tips and FREE fat loss resources that you'll surely love!

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Cardio Workouts That Can Be Done in Your Living Room

When you think about cardio you imagine a someone doing breaststrokes in a pool or cycling up a mountain road or simply running on a treadmill at the gym. However, cardio doesn't have to take you away from your home. You can easily do great cardio workouts in your living room. Let's see what are the options that you have.

The first thing you can do is use a workout program of some sort. You can find hundreds of workout DVDs that you can use in the comfort of you home to do cardio. There are aerobic dance videos, walking classes, and others. You have a lot of diversity and range of options to choose from. Try to find a program which is right for your current fitness level but is still a plan that you can grow with.

The second thing that you can do is to purchase a cardio machine. As long as you have the space in your livingroom and you can comfortably place a treadmill, bike, or elliptical trainer in there, you can do pretty good workouts with such a machine. However, you need to be ready to spend hundreds or even in excess of $1,000 to buy a quality machine in good condition. So this may not be right for you at the moment.

What you can also choose to do is to perform bodyweight cardio exercises which can either be done at home or in a nearby park. You can get a pretty solid workout with the right exercises.

You may choose to use cheap equipment such as a jumping rope or an aerobic step. In the past I used to do feet switching on stairs for 30-45 minutes and I can tell you that I got great results with it.

However, you may also choose to combine a few of the following exercises: jumping jacks, running in place (with high knees), side to side jumps, squat jumps, lunge jumps, using a punching bag which you can hang in your living room, etc.

What I like to do is to take 5-6 jumping exercises and do them one after the other for a power circuit. Once this circuit is over (and it can be pretty tough), I rest for a minute and then repeat the circuit once more. You may choose to change the order of the exercises in each circuit. This is how you can do great cardio workouts in your livingroom.

For more way to do cardio in your livingroom visit Do Cardio Exercises At Home.
For great cardio exercises that require no equipment visit Bodyweight Cardio Exercises.
John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life.

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