Chances are that, by now, you've tried just about every diet out there-all with no long-term success. That's mostly because we tend to go on a diet and do well for a while, until we become bored, or simply grow tired of following it. Sound familiar? If so, don't beat yourself up too much over it. After all, you're here to learn about losing weight doing something physical and that's a great and healthy way to go about losing the weight!
Before you start any workout or weight loss plan, however, you should see your doctor to ensure that you're healthy enough to begin. And if you are, congrats! It's time you got serious about taking better care of your health and getting in shape is a great way to do just that. Boxing is an excellent way to lose weight, especially since its cardio benefits are fantastic and cardio is a necessary part of any successful weight loss program.
When doing any type of cardiovascular exercise, and this includes boxing, you should be sure to keep your pulse rate within a healthy range. If you're not familiar with the term 'target heart rate' or THR, it's actually a zone that falls in between 60 to 80 percent of your maximum rate. Not sure what your maximum pulse rate is? Figuring it out isn't too difficult.
To determine your maximum heart rate, simply subtract your current age from 220 (for men) or 226 (for women). Try to keep your pulse rate from going above this number when exercising. Then, to figure out your THR, simply multiply your maximum heart rate by 60 percent and then again by 80 percent. The results are the number of beats per minute you should aim to keep your rate between. For example, a 42 year old woman has a maximum heart rate of 184. Sixty percent of this is 110 and 80 percent is 147; therefore, she would need to keep her heart rate between 110 and 147 beats per minute to maintain her target heart rate.
Boxing can and does get your heart rate up up up! And many people who try it are amazed at the total body workout it provides. And working muscles are muscles that are burning fat. Not only that, but boxing is a great way to interval train. Go ahead and box for a full round or even to an entire song and you'll quickly and easily get your heart rate into its target zone. Not only that but boxing is a fantastic way to take out your aggressions on an inanimate object. So box away and watch the pounds melt off!
To know the best cardio to lose fat and get fit, visit the website: It offers tips and FREE fat loss resources that you'll surely love!
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