The Fitness Boot Camp Revolution!

Fitness boot camps have experienced a huge surge in popularity in recent times. To discover why these exercise classes are fast becoming the preferred option for many exercise enthusiasts - and to find out if this mode of exercise is right for you, make sure to read on!


A fitness boot camp is like an outdoor group fitness class. Classes have one or more instructors at the helm and a range of participants whose goals include weight loss, fitness, strength and stamina. Participants typically meet two to three times per week for a period of four to five 5 weeks. The number of participants can vary anywhere from 10-50 people depending on the individual boot camp.


1) Outdoor appeal

Interest in these classes has soared and this is partly due to the fact that they're typically held in outdoor settings such as beaches, the countryside, parks and sports grounds. Being surrounded by nature makes a pleasant and refreshing change from working out indoors.

2) Exercise variation

There are no limits to the variety of exercises that can be utilized.

In addition to body weight exercises, outdoor props are often incorporated to introduce novel exercise variety. Props can include (but are not limited to) car tyres, medicine balls, kettle bells, skipping ropes, cones and tubing.

3) Team work

Participants often pair up to perform partner assisted exercises and work as a team to complete specific tasks. Working together as a team creates a unique bond amongst participants and creates a feeling of achievement.

4) Affordability

Working out in a group also has financial advantages. An average session can cost as little as $15 which makes it a very cost effective way to reach your fitness goals.

5) Support and Accountability

Outdoor group fitness classes create a supportive environment of like minded individuals who share common fitness goals.

On days when you're lacking in motivation your boot camp instructor and fellow participants will provide with you with the support you need to stick with your plan of action.

6) FUN!

What's the secret to sticking with an exercise program? It has to be FUN! Anyone who has participated in a boot camp will testify to the adrenalin rush and how energizing and motivating these classes can be. It's also the reason that fitness boot camps are fast becoming the preferred choice for many exercise enthusiasts.

Mark Woodgate is the fitness director at Bay Bodyfit Health and Fitness Centre, Mt Maunganui, New Zealand. To find out more about Bay Bodyfit's fitness boot camps, visit:

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