When I first started training for my abs I was cheating. That experience taught me never to cheat again at the gym if I ever wanted to get perfect abs in the least amount of time. What is the use of going to gym if you are not going to follow the crucial steps in obtaining a 6 pack? What are you hoping to achieve by doing little? What you put in is what you get out. Some people really make me laugh, they want good things to come to them but they are not prepared to stick to what is required in order to achieve their goals.
The advice I give to the newbies is, there are people who do not have the privileges that they have, the freedom to choose to go to the gym, a body that can be modified "with dedication and commitment", the ability to use all of you body parts and many more, but they just lazy around like a bunch of monkeys who do not know what to do with their time and resources, whereas there are other people who would do anything to have those choices met. Do not waste your time by being lazy and cheating. Bottom line, cheating is not worth it at all.
The basic routine in building abs is to first start with a light exercise (e.g. Aerobics), do not do too much of this as you must still keep the strength and energy for other exercises, so you do not want to use it all up. In my opinion building abs should be combined with weight lifting, hence I say do not cheat. Weight lifting assists largely in burning body fat and calories even after the gym, which is why you need to do a variety of exercises.
So here are some of the abs exercises that you can do; Weighted crunches, twisting crunch, Bicycle Crunch, side crunch, reverse crunch, Abs Wheel, reverse crunch on an incline, hanging leg raises, plank, side-plank, Janda sit ups, captain's chair, stability ball crunches, stability ball side crunches, stability ball reverse crunches, torso track, crunch and reach, knee tucks, hip extension on the ball, wood-chops, ball taps. I am sure there are a lot more other exercises that can be incorporated with these ones.
When you incorporate some of these exercises you can do the abs exercises at least twice in a week, if you want abs fast you will have to do a bit more than that but not more than four times a week. Abdominal muscles develop when you are rested, so having a good rest is vital in developing perfect abs fast. Again cheating produces quantity and doing exercises properly produces quality, you do the math.
This article was written by Motobaki Mokoatle the owner of Perfect Abs HQ.
How to get a perfect 6 pack
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