Swimming To Lose Weight - A Few Facts You Should Know

If you're wondering whether swimming is the right cardio workout for you to do in order to lose weight, this article is perfect for you. There are a few studies regarding the effectiveness of swimming for weight loss and how it compares to other cardiovascular workouts for the purposes of weight loss.

Let me start by saying that swimming is a wonderful sport. It works your entire body and combines cardiovascular stimulation with a strength one. There's no doubt that you can build a great looking body by swimming regularly. You only need to look at the stunning body of competitive swimmers to see how effective this workout can be.

If you like swimming then I highly recommend that you do it. I always favor doing workouts that you enjoy. It's more likely that you'll do more powerful and consistent workouts that way.

However, if you're not particularly partial to swimming and you just want to know which cardio workout is most effective for weight loss, you should know that there are a number of studies which show that swimming may not be the best choice for losing weight.

The reasons why swimming may be less effective for weight loss than walking or running is unclear. There are some theories but none has been proven. One likely reason may have little to do with the workout itself and a lot to do with what goes on afterward.

It seem that people who swim tend to eat more after their workout is completed than those who perform other sorts of cardiovascular workouts. This is something which is called post workout compensation and it refers to the fact that you can undo much of the effects of a workout by consuming too many calories afterward. Basically, if a particular workout tends to make you hungrier than others and if you burn a similar number of calories in each, then this is not the best workout for weight loss.

This tendency to overcompensate seems to be connected to the temperature of the water in which you swim. Swimming in cold water tends to make people hungrier than swimming in warm water does.

Does this mean that you shouldn't swim at all if you want to lose weight?

Not at all. As I said, is swimming is your thing then do it. You can lose weight with it. However, you may see faster results with other forms of cardio workouts.

To learn more about this issue visit Swimming For Weight Loss Research.

To learn more about how to not "undo" your workouts visit Post Workout Compensation Tips.

Jonathan Dunsky writes about health and fitness issues.

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Play Soccer at Any Age - Get Excellent Cardiovascular Conditioning

It is true, you can play soccer at any age and I don't care if you are an awesome player or just want to stay in great shape and have excellent cardiovascular conditioning. I love the sport since I played it all my life. I was born in South America and soccer or futbol (in Spanish) is the biggest sport around.

Just now I realize the benefits of playing, I'm probably in the best shape of my life thanks to soccer. I'm what is call the typical weekend warrior that plays between 2 or even 3 games on weekends!!

Mondays is a different story though, as I pay the price with soreness all over my body thanks to all the running during the games... It is a great feeling knowing how good of a workout you had.

Just go to your local community park or city hall and find out if they have any programs that will suit your schedule. If nothing is available in your city I'm sure there will be something close by. There are many options to pick from, like divisions by ages or even coed teams (men and women in a team).

If you never play the game, it is very simple to learn, there are simple basic rules that you must follow but nothing complicated like in football.. if you know what I mean.

Most of people complain how boring it is to exercise, especially when it comes to cardio, and this is the main reason I suggest playing soccer. It is so much fun you don't even realize how much you are running and how many calories you burn on a single game.

Believe me when I say that you can play soccer at any age, I'm in my forties now and with friends that never play before joining me, we look forward to stay in great shape as well as our future games.

Your heart, lungs and every muscle in your body will thank you for the exercise you are giving them, not to mention your brain, which will release stress as you enjoy the moment on the field... Trust me my friend it's an awesome feeling.

I also believe the facts of exercising goes well beyond physical benefits. Life seems to be better when you do something for yourself and take care of your body.

Also consider a decent diet which to me is "eat everything you want... just don't abuse it"

Good luck to you in your new quest and remember any physical activity is better than none. I just happen to love soccer.

Playing soccer at any age is the beginning of a series of articles I will write offering advise and tips about the sport as well as how you will benefit from it.

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Benefits of Cardiovascular Exercise and Training Programs

What is Aerobic Exercise?

The American College of Sports Medicine defines aerobic exercise, also referred to as cardiovascular exercise or cardio exercise, as "any activity that uses large muscle groups, can be maintained continuously, and is rhythmic in nature." As opposed to strength training, which primarily utilizes the phosphagen energy system to provide energy, cardiovascular exercise primarily utilizes the aerobic energy system (oxidative energy system).

Examples of cardiovascular exercise include walking, jogging, swimming, rowing, cycling, jump roping, etc. In this article, I will concentrate on a few types of aerobic endurance training programs you can incorporate into your exercise regimen, including long, slow distance aerobic endurance training; pace/tempo aerobic endurance training; aerobic endurance interval training; aerobic endurance repetition training; and Fartlek training. I will also explain what VO2 max is and some benefits of aerobic endurance exercise.

Benefits of Aerobic Exercise

Cardiovascular exercise has many health benefits and should not be excluded from an exercise routine. In fact, the American College of Sports Medicine and the American Heart Association recommends partaking in at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity cardiovascular exercise 3- 5 days per week.

Benefits cardiovascular exercise includes:

Decreased resting heart rateIncreased resting and maximal stroke volume (amount of blood ejected by the heart each beat)Increased resting and maximal cardiac output (amount of blood pumped by the heart in liters per minute)Decreased blood pressureIncreased maximal oxygen uptakeDecreased body fat percentageIncrease in capillary densityReduction in bad cholesterol and increase in good cholesterol

VO2 Max

VO2 max, also known as maximal oxygen uptake, is the greatest amount of oxygen that can be consumed by the body (Baechle & Earle, 2008). VO2 max is extremely important for athletes participating in aerobic endurance sports, such as marathon runners, cyclists, swimmers, rowers, etc. In fact VO2 max is one of the most popular measure of cardiorespiratory fitness. The athlete that is able to last the longest during the race or event, who can ultimately consume a greater amount of oxygen, will end probably end up on top!

Aside from competitive athletes, casual exercisers can still greatly benefit from an increase in VO2 max. An increase in VO2 max ultimately allows the respiratory and circulatory system to function much more efficiently. The heart will be better able to transport oxygen and increase the body's ability to utilize it (Baechle & Earle, 2008).

Long, Slow Distance Endurance Training

Long, slow distance training (LSD) is performed exactly as it sounds. This type of cardiovascular exercise is what you typically see most people doing if you walk into a gym. Examples of LSD training include low intensity walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, jump roping, stair stepping, etc. at slow speeds for an extended period of time.

LSD training should be performed one to two times per week, although professional athletes typically train more frequentlythan that. Athletes competing in long distance marathons lasting 30-120 minutes benefit most from this type of training. Studies show LSD training should be performed at 70% of VO2 max (or 80% of maximum heart rate)(Baechle & Earle, 2008).

To determine maximum heart rate, subtract your age from 220. For example, a 25-year-old male's maximum heart rate is around 195. Then to determine target heart rate to train at for LSD training, multiply max heart rate by 0.80, which in this example would be 156. The 25-year-old male would then want to keep his heart rate around 156 when engaging in LSD training.

Since heart rate is the most frequently used method for determining exercise intensity, it is crucial to know what your individual heart rate is. Additionally, to accurately train at your prescribed heart rate, purchasing a heart rate monitor is highly recommended.

Pace/Tempo Training

Pace/tempo aerobic endurance training, also known as threshold training, is typically used by athletes competing in marathons, however, can also be employed by the casual exerciser looking to reap the benefits of cardiovascular exercise. Pace/tempo endurance training consists of exercising at an intensity that is equal or greater than lactate threshold. Since the concept of lactate threshold is quite complex, I will explain it like this: train at a pace equal to or slightly faster than competition pace for those who compete in races and for those who do not compete in races train at a higher intensity than normal. In both cases, train for a duration of 20 to 30 minutes. Additionally, there are two types of pace/tempo endurance training: steady and intermittent (Baechle & Earle, 2008).

Steady pace/tempo aerobic endurance training is continuous training performed at an intensity level equal to the lactate threshold for 20 to 30 minute durations (Baechle & Earle, 2008). In other words, a runner training for a LSD marathon would train equal to or slightly faster than race pace during pace/tempo endurance training.

Intermittent pace/tempo aerobic endurance training consists of training at the same intensity level as steady pace/tempo endurance training, however, includes a series of shorter intervals with brief recovery periods (Baechle & Earle, 2008). For example, a runner utilizing intermittent pace/tempo aerobic endurance training might run for one minute at a pace equal to competition interspersed with short intervals of slightly faster than competition bouts.

Interval Training

Interval training, unlike LSD and pace/tempo aerobic endurance training, involves exercising at or near VO2 max. However, like the name states, training is conducted by interspersing intervals of rest periods and work, which are known as work to rest ratios. Interval training can be used for nearly all types of cardiovascular activities.

For example, if a person wanted to conduct interval training for running, he would first determine the work to rest ratio. In this case, let's say the work to rest ratio is 1:2. So, for every interval of work, the rest would be twice as long right? Hence the 2 in the ratio. The runner could choose to run at maximum intensity for 30 seconds and rest for 60 seconds or run at maximum intensity for 45 seconds andrest for 90 seconds.

By the way, the "rest" portion of interval training does not mean to stop the activity completely; it simply means to continue the activity for the prescribed rest period at a lower intensity. Got it? Check out my article on interval training if you want to learn more about it!

The good thing about interval training is that it can be used to train the energy system that is taxed for a specific sport. For example, football games consist of brief periods of plays followed by rest periods (huddles, timeouts, injuries, etc.). A typical play in football lasts approximately 6 to 7 seconds and the rest interval before the next play takes place is approximately 25 seconds. A coach then might develop an interval training aerobic endurance regimen consisting of a 1:4 work to rest ratio. Let's say that running was chosen for the aerobic endurance interval training exercise. A 1:4 work to rest ratio could consist of 6 seconds of maximal effort followed by 24 seconds of rest period or 10 seconds of maximal effort followed by 40 seconds of rest period. Understand?

Repetition Training

Repetition training, unlike interval training, is conducted at intensities greater than VO2 max (Baechle & Earle, 2008). Repetition training is, however, similar to interval training in that it utilizes work intervals and rest periods, although longer rest periods are required due to the high dependency on the anaerobic system (Baechle & Earle, 2008). Typically, rest periods are 4 to 6 times as long as the work intervals (Baechle & Earle, 2008). So, for example, possible work to rest ratios that could be used are 1:4, 1:6, or 1:5.

Fartlek Training

Fartlek training is simply a combination of all types of aerobic endurance training methods previously mentioned. Although it is typically used for running, Fartlek training can be used for cycling or swimming as well. A sample Fartlek training run involves LSD running interspersed with periods of incline running followed by shorts intervals of maximal effort running.

Final Note

Wow. We have covered a tremendous amount of material! Let's recap what we went over:

Definition of aerobic endurance exerciseBenefits of aerobic endurance exerciseVO2 max and how to calculate maximum heart rateLSD trainingPace/tempo trainingInterval trainingRepetition trainingFartlek training

If you take nothing else out of this article, remember that cardiovascular exercise is extremely important to include in an exercise routine or regimen. It is great for the heart and significantly enhances the respiratory and circulatory system. Additionally, if followed with a sound nutrition program, cardiovascular exercise can help with fat loss, although strength training should be performed in conjunction with cardio exercise if you want to achieve maximum results. As always, consult your physician before you start any type of exercise regimen.

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How to Double Your Vertical Leap

Would you like to double your vertical leap? A vertical jump is a mixture of raw power, agility, grace and speed. Besides being a great way to increase your speed and agility, the vertical leap is also used as a baseline test to compare improvements during strength and conditioning workout regimens. Vertical jumping is also a common training technique used in research for the evaluation of lower extremity performance.

Vertical leap is the measurement of a player's jump from a standing position. For athletes, the vertical jump is a true test of raw physical strength. It is widely used as a field-test of performance measuring, particularly in sports like soccer. Besides being the primary technique to measure explosive power, the vertical leap is also a true measure of athletic ability.
What are Effective Ways to Improve Your Vertical Jump?

Athletically speaking, the vertical leap is when someone jumps straight into the air as high as they can. An individual's vertical jump height can be improved by training with lower body strength exercises and Olympic lifts. Each individual is different because the body reacts differently based on the type of training. But after a few extensive workouts, the body will start to take shape and soreness will no longer be an issue.

A proper training routine will create a muscle imbalance which has caused injuries for many people. A significant volume of training can improve muscle strength and endurance in people of any age or gender. This means that even you can double your vertical leap.

The obvious purpose of vertical leap programs is to give you an education on how to jump higher. Jumping uses several parts of the body including the legs, hips and knee extension. To jump higher, there must be a combination of lower body vertical power and overall explosive effort. Combining these two aspects together will lead to a higher vertical height.

Vertical Jump Training

Training is basically about springing from the ground with grace and power. A vertical jump program is exceptionally comprehensive and detailed. A good program provides a significant amount of information about vertical explosion. The goal of the program is to boost your overall power of explosion, agility and speed.

The question is, why is vertical leaping so important? Vertical jumping is quite possibly one of the most sought after abilities in any sport. It is an important characteristic of every athlete. If you are an athlete, vertical leaping is an important part of your sport so you will want to improve it as quickly as possible.

Vertical jump training has more benefits for an athlete far besides simply being able to jump higher. Vertical leap training has been a popular topic of conversation for many years now. This is simply because the vertical jump is an important element of many sports being played today.

Jumping has become as important in basketball as dribbling or shooting. But it's not just jumping that's important. It's also about the landing. And to some people's surprise, jumping is more about power and not so much about strength.

We all know that basketball is a sport that requires strength, endurance, speed and agility. The sport is played at professional, collegiate and amateur levels. Although jumping is important in many sports, it is mostly important for basketball players.

Jumping Rope is an Excellent Exercise

In order to be a good basketball player, jumping is one of the most essential skills that a player needs. Jumping rope definitely helps your vertical leap. In your spare time you could jump rope while watching TV or listening to music. After jumping for a few minutes you should then start jumping on your toes.

Many experts think that jumping rope is the best exercise to help you jump higher. Getting proficient and efficient at jumping rope will improve both your reflexes and your cardiovascular system. It is beneficial in increasing the strength of your lower legs, thighs and knees.

The rope you choose should be a decent quality cloth rope. It doesn't matter if it has handles. You just need to make sure there is some weight and heft to the rope.

If you play basketball and have ever attended a basketball camp, they have probably made you jump rope as a warm up procedure. It not only helps warm you up, it also improves your vertical leaping ability. Jumping rope is a key factor in eventually helping you double your vertical leap.

For those who are truly interested in increasing your vertical jump height by at least 10 inches in 8 weeks, please check out my web site at Exercises to Jump Higher.

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Burn More Calories All Day Long With Interval Training

Interval training can help you get more out of your workout, increase your stamina and burn more calories in the same amount of time as your regular workout. Interval training involves short bursts of high intensity exercise followed by a recovery phase. People with health conditions and those who are just starting a fitness program should consult a doctor before beginning interval training.

You may begin interval training by varying the speed of walking. For example, if walking is part of your fitness routine, add a short period of fast running and then return to walking. During a 60-minute walk, you can increase your speed for at least 30 seconds after every 15 minutes of walking. The next time you walk, run for 1 minute after every 15 minutes of walking. The goal is to intersperse intense training in the regular fitness routine. Your body will respond by burning more calories during the intense interval. During the less intense interval of exercise, your muscles will be removing cellular waste that built up in the tissues during the intense exercise. You will experience the benefits of intense training with less muscle soreness.

Use interval training to burn calories in any fitness workout. Alternate your speed between a regular pace and intense bursts of speed. To burn calories faster during a standard workout, vary the intensity of your workout between short periods of high intensity and low intensity exercise. Begin with a 5-minute warm up by stretching. Next, perform 1 minute of high intensity exercise followed by 2 minutes of low intensity exercise to stimulate your muscles and burn more calories. The stationary bicycle and the elliptical machine are well suited for interval training because the user determines the speed. Exercise on the stationary bike or elliptical machine for 5 minutes at your regular pace and then increase your speed as much as you can for 1 minute and then return to your regular pace for the next 5 minutes.

Begin interval training slowly and do not overdo it. You risk injury to your muscles and joints if your body is not ready for strenuous activity. Always warm up by performing stretching exercises before any physical training. Add roughly 10 to 30 seconds of strenuous activity when you first start interval training and gradually increase the length of time, intensity or speed. Even a few seconds of intense exercise followed by your regular pace will help you shred more calories during your fitness routine and for hours after you finish.

Robin Reichert is a certified nutrition consultant, certified personal trainer and freelance writer. She has been involved in the health and fitness industry for over 10 years. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in psychology from the University of San Francisco and a Master of Science in natural health from Clayton College. Robin's goal is to make every personal training session fun and effective for her clients. Her services include both in-person and online personal training at http://www.trainwithmeonlinetoday.com/ Lose up to 10 lbs with a 24-DAY WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE! Visit my website to get started today!

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Maximize Your Workouts And Get The Most From Your Efforts - Do You Know Your Number?

Have you ever wondered if you are getting the maximum benefits from your workouts or if you are just wasting your time and efforts? Since the major principle of my research is to develop an exercise program that provides noticeable results with minimal effort in the shortest amount of time possible, I've given much thought to it and I'm guessing the thought has crossed your mind at some point as well. Even if the thought has never occurred to you before, I feel I would be doing you a huge injustice not to mention dishonoring the premise of my book if I didn't tell you about one of the most valuable tools you should have in your backpack. Before I discuss the tool, please bear with me as I lay out a few basic ground rules. Especially if you've tried using this tool previously, but couldn't quite figure out how to use it effectively.

It is of utmost importance that you evaluate your current physical condition and check with your doctor before starting any exercise program or performing any exercise move.
Determine your unique number. This value will be based on several factors unique to your current physical condition. This might best be determined by your doctor, so when you are being evaluated in step 1 above ask your doctor to help you determine your number unique.
As your fitness level improves, reevaluate your number and adjust it accordingly.
Make it as simple as simple as possible, otherwise you won't use it effectively.
Use it to achieve results, fast!

OK, so what is this super tool?

Well, the tool isn't necessarily an item in and of itself, but rather a measurement and subsequent technique[s] to perform the measurement. And the value you are concerned with measuring is your heart rate (HR).

Kiss It!

While obtaining your HR may not require any special equipment or at least anything more complex than a clock, you will most likely find that a heart rate monitor will make the task much simpler. In fact I believe that the most important principle one should embrace when starting something new is the old acronym for KISS, "Keep It Simple Shawn." Conveniently my first name begins with the letter S so I'm able to substitute it into the last position of the acronym.

If you choose to purchase a monitor, and I would highly recommend it, there are several options available ranging in price from under ten bucks to several hundred dollars. I realize that one of the goals of my research is to provide you with a means to build an exercise system that not only fits into your lifestyle, but does it inexpensively. It is precisely for that reason that I mention a monitor is not required for you to measure your performance effectively. However, I want to stress once again that it will make the measuring process a lot less cumbersome.

That being said, I would not recommend going out and spending several hundred dollars on a heart monitor. In fact you should be able to find a feature rich unit in the thirty to fifty dollar range. And if you catch a break on eBay you might even score one for much less. I mentioned previously that there are some monitors available for less than ten bucks, but these usually require you to hold your finger on a sensor built into the watch to measure your heart rate. Again, this will probably work just fine, but it will be a little more laborious than a unit which continuously displays your HR which you can check at a glance. Therefore I would recommend you look for a monitor in the lower mid range, cost-wise. These will usually be comprised of two-piece units: a wrist-watch like receiver/display and a sensor/transmitter that straps around your chest.

If you find that you enjoy working out at night or if it is more convenient for you to fit your workouts into the evening or night hours chances are you will spend some time outside after dark. In this case it is import to be able to read the display of your monitor in low light. As I mentioned in guideline 4 above, if you can't easily read the display of your monitor you will either not use it or you will not use it effectively. Therefore you might want to purchase a monitor with a backlit display or one with a button you can press to light the display.

Another option and possibly a more practical one because it will also help with overall visibility and will help to make you more visible to people around you would be to purchase a LED headlamp. LED headlamps come in various sizes and styles and in multiple LED configurations. They even make them specifically for runners, however, those seem to be smaller and underpowered compared to some of the larger LED headlamps with multiple LED bulbs.

I've got a heart rate monitor, now what?

Now that you have your fancy new gizmo, what are you going to do with it? Well, the first thing you need to do is determine your target heart rates. There are several methods available for determining these rates and I've created a table in the Appendix of my book to help you find your Target HR at a glance.

Determine your Resting HR. The best way to obtain an accurate Resting HR is to measure your HR when you first wake up in the morning. Measure it as soon as you can after waking, before you sit up and exert yourself in any manner. Do this for several mornings and then calculate the average for all of the mornings included in your test period. For example if your resting heart rates for days 1, 2 and 3 are 77 beats per minute [bpm], 71 bpm, and 74 bpm respectively your average resting HR will be:

[77 + 71 + 75] / 3 = 74 bpm

A typical resting HR will be between 60 and 90 bpm.

Calculate your Maximum HR. Probably the most accurate way to obtain your Maximum HR is to go through a cardiac stress test under the supervision of your doctor. However, a widely accepted method to determine your Maximum HR is to subtract your age from the number 220 and is referred to as your Age-Predicted Maximum Heart Rate. For example if you are 40 years old your age-predicted Maximum HR is:

220 - 40 = 180 bpm

Obviously, this doesn't take into account your particular fitness level or genetics which when factored into the equation might adjust this number by a factor of 10 or more in either direction. However, for most the simple age subtraction calculation is probably close enough, but should not be viewed as a substitute for an evaluation by your physician.

Calculate your Heart Rate Reserve (HRR). This is simply the difference between your Maximum HR and your Resting HR.

HRR = Maximum HR - Resting HR

Continuing our example:

HRR = 180 - 74 = 106 bpm

Calculate your target heart rates. Target Heart Rates are sometimes referred to as Training Heart Rates and refer to a range of heart rates that correspond to various levels of aerobic exercise. These are sometimes broken up into zones such as one might find on the dial of a treadmill. For these rates you have several options. One of the most common and effective options is the Karvonen Method.

Karvonen Method

This method seeks to find your Target HR range by calculations based on 50 to 85% intensity.

Target HR 1 = [[HRR] x 0.50] + Resting HR
Target HR 2 = [[HRR] x 0.85] + Resting HR

To make it a little more clear lets plug in the sample heart rates we've been working with. For example:

Target HR 1 = [[180 - 74] x 0.50] + 74 = 127 bpm
Target HR 2 = [[180 - 74] x 0.85] + 74 = 164 bpm

So based on this method you will receive the maximum benefits from your aerobic exercise by keeping your HR between Target Heart Rates 1 and 2 or for the purpose of our example, between 127 and 164 bpm.

Zoladz Method

Unlike the Karvonen method the Zoladz method simply determines 5 exercise zones which are calculated by subtracting "zone adjuster" values from your maximum HR and then offsetting by 5 in either direction. For example we'll use 5 zone adjuster values.

Target HR Zone = Maximum HR - Zone Adjuster [+ 5] and [-5]

Zone Adjuster 1 = 50 bpm [Easy Exercise]
Zone Adjuster 2 = 40 bpm
Zone Adjuster 3 = 30 bpm
Zone Adjuster 4 = 20 bpm
Zone Adjuster 5 = 10 bpm [Hard Exercise]

Continuing our example:

Target HR Zone 1 = [180 - 50] = 130, Zone 1 = 125 to 135
Target HR Zone 1 = [180 - 40] = 140, Zone 2 = 135 to 145
Target HR Zone 1 = [180 - 30] = 150, Zone 3 = 145 to 155
Target HR Zone 1 = [180 - 20] = 160, Zone 4 = 155 to 165
Target HR Zone 1 = [180 - 10] = 170, Zone 5 = 165 to 175

Alternative Method

This method is calculated as a percentage of your HRR and is very similar to the Karvonen Method. The difference is that the Alternative Method creates a set of useful training zones by assigning easy to understand labels to each of the zones rather than just a set of numbers and percentages. The formulas used to determine the zones are:

Fat Burning Zone Low = [[HRR] x 0.50] + Resting HR
Fat Burning Zone High = [[HRR] x 0.75] + Resting HR
Fitness Zone Low = [[HRR] x 0.75] + Resting HR
Fitness Zone High = [[HRR] x 0.85] + Resting HR

Continuing our example:

Fat Burning Zone Low = [106 x 0.50] + 74 = 127 bpm
Fat Burning Zone High = [106 x 0.75] + 74 = 154 bpm
Fitness Zone Low = [106 x 0.75] + 74 = 154 bpm
Fitness Zone High = [106 x 0.85] + 74 = 164 bpm

Moving beyond these zones is not recommended unless you are working to improve athletic performance. Nonetheless, I wanted to include these formulas for your reference.

Aerobic-Anaerobic Threshold Low = [[HR Reserve] x 0.85] + Resting HR
Aerobic-Anaerobic Threshold High = [[HR Reserve] x 0.90] + Resting HR

Finally, the zone which ranges from 90 to 100% of your Maximum HR represents all out effort and like the Aerobic- Anaerobic Threshold Zone above it is not recommended, but is included for your reference.

Anaerobic Training Zone Low = [[HR Reserve] x 0.90] + Resting HR
Anaerobic Training Zone High = Maximum HR

Get Up and Get Moving!

Now that you have the tool, get up and get moving and put the tool to work! If you use it effectively you will be on your way to a healthier happier you in record time. For more great tips on how to achieve noticeable results with minimal effort in the shortest amount of time possible head over to http://www.flatterstomach.info and download my book Barstool Body the Original Backpack Gym.

And remember, if the above calculations seem overwhelming, I've created a table in the Appendix of my book to help you find your Age Predicted Heart Rates at a glance.

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5 Fast and Fun Exercises You Can Do at the Pool

Although summer is still officially a few weeks away the passing of Memorial Day weekend unofficially starts summer due to the fact that community pools across the country are now open for enjoyment. Now I know that most people believe that summer is a time to be lazy and just hang around the pool, but the pool can be a great tool to use to get some exercise and stay toned. So, when you are at the pool try these fast and fun pool exercises to stay fit!

Water Marching - First, start off by standing up straight with good posture and then begin walking through the water. March with continuous strides extending arms and legs as far as they can go. If your pool stays the same depth all the way through you can use the entire length otherwise use the length of the shallow end. Start with a goal of doing it for two minutes or until slightly breathless.
Jumping Jacks - Your fitness level will be greatly affected by this exercise; so if you are a beginner don't get discouraged at first if you have trouble doing it. Start with your feet together and standing straight up with arms relaxed by your side. Bend your knees slightly and then proceed to push up off the ground as high as you can. As you jump up, kick your legs out to the side while pointing the toes downward and arms coming up above your head making a star shape. Once you land then immediately jump back up and bring your legs and arms back to your side in the starting position. Repeat 10 to 15 times.
Arm Toning - There are a few ways to tone your arms in the pool. The first way is to come up to be in the pool facing the ledge with your arms and feet shoulder with apart. Once you have a solid base push away from the wall, extending your arms to a soft bend in the elbows. Repeat 10 to 15 times. Another arm toning exercise is to grab a small ball and stand in the water upright with your arms extended in front of you. Breathe and begin to move the ball in the water in a figure eight pattern doing rhythmically and maintaining good posture. Repeat 10 to 15 times.
Waist Trimmer - With your back against the poolside and your arms on the edge for support bring your knees to your chest. Breathe in and then extend legs out in front of you. Once you have done that move them to the left and then to the right before coming back to the center. Exhale and bring the knees back to your chest. Repeat 10 to 15 times.
Squats - Stand upright with your feet apart. Inhale, and then proceed to squat down into the water like siting onto a step. Once you reach a squatting position, exhale and proceed back to upright position. Repeat 10 to 15 times.

So, the next time you arrive at the pool and park on the chair, use these five fun and fast fitness exercises to burn some calories and stay toned.

David Mcgarry is the creator of Working Mom Workouts http://www.workingmomworkouts.com/. He has been in the health and fitness industry for more than a dozen years. Working Mom Workouts are fitness programs specifically designed to meet the busy life of a working mom while at the same time providing maximal fat loss. If you are looking for a great resource that focuses on health and fitness tips you can read more at the blog http://www.workingmomworkouts.com/blog

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Aerobic Activity For Healthy Digestion: How Aerobic Activity Relieves Indigestion And Constipation

More than 60 million Americans suffer from heartburn. About 4 million Americans suffer from constipation. Between 10% and 15% of people around the world are afflicted with irritable bowel syndrome. Aerobic activity won't resolve all these problems in every case, but it can do a lot to help.

Anxiety, anger, and stress stimulate the overproduction of stomach acid in an inactive person because he does not have sufficient energy outlet for his emotions. These stomach acids are meant for the digestion of food, but since there is no food present, the stomach acid begins instead to eat away at the stomach lining. Eventually the result may be painful stomach ulcers. However, regular aerobic activity tends to relax the system and relieve anger and stress, partly because the destructive energy that fuels anxiety, stress and anger is diverted constructively to the parts of the body that need the energy for movement.

Constipation is a common affliction by which people have difficulty in eliminating body wastes through their bowel and have difficulty in producing three or more bowel movements per week. The entire digestive track is lined with special core muscles that move the food through the system as it is being digested and broken down. With age, and especially with inactivity, these core muscles become lax and have difficulty moving the material through and eliminating it. Aerobic activity conditions the body so that it can deliver a much higher concentration of oxygen to these core muscles so that they can move the material through and eliminate it more efficiently. The movements of aerobic activity also tend to stimulate the core muscles and help them pass the material through the system. Those who practice regular aerobic activity are rarely irregular (pun intended).

Aerobic activity can also help to relieve the discomfort of gas trapped in the bowels. As food is being broken down so that it can be absorbed into the blood, one normal byproduct of digestion is methane gas. This is normally no great problem since the movement of core digestive muscles along the bowels tends to eliminate these gases quickly. But since the core digestive muscles in an unconditioned person are lax, the elimination of gas from his system is inefficient. As a result, methane gas can build up in the bowels and may become quite uncomfortable or even painful. The movement of aerobic activity does much to aid the elimination of intestinal gasses and relieve the discomfort.

Mark Roof has experienced first hand the changes that aerobic activity has made in his own life, and he is eager to share the benefits with the world. There is more on the subject of Cardio Aerobics Exercise for healthy digestion, sleep, and psychological health. Or, if you want the whole story, please visit aerobicexcellence.com

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New Study Shows Aerobic Exercise A Waste Of Time

It's truly amazing. Finally it seems that the mainstream media is recognizing the truth when it comes to ideal exercise for health and weight loss. And the big news (drum-roll please)? Cardio is most emphatically NOT the answer. Well. Apparently we already knew that, but it's always nice to see a little bit more of the world is getting accustomed with. So what's the new scoop? Well, according to this study, not only is cardio a bad idea for diabetes treatment, but it's also not so great for overall health and the avoidance of heart disease.

I was first exposed to this concept about 5 or 6 years ago, and I want to tell you - it took me a good 18 months to get my head around the idea. At that age health concerns such as heart disease and diabetes never even entered my mind, but the idea that cardio wouldn't keep me in great shape was mind-boggling. After all, wasn't that why I'd become a cardio queen in the first place? Convinced that my 2+ hours of the stuff was what was necessary to stay slim? Don't worry, it never always worked and don't mind that I was always tired of doing so. Long story short, switching cardio for weights and plenty of protein and fat has whipped me into the best shape of my life but also leaves me feeling about a million percent better.

And I'm not the only one.

I came up with one of my regular clients and she was telling me how she shed massive weight after dropping cardio sessions. In fact, she'd dropped about 3 kg of stubborn belly fat in just 2 weeks. Can you imagine? Fat that hadn't moved for months on her high-cardio program. I had to laugh - I'd been at her for about 2 years to drop the running, but it took her suddenly being too busy for such a huge time commitment and having to drop her sessions to weights to save time. Ah well, at least she got there in the end!

You may think that I am crazy for taking such a drastic approach to health and you might not be alone. But do you really want to follow a single track that you chose a long time back and never ever try something different? There may be some hidden new possibilities out there. After all, we used to believe that the world was flat...

I think at least one reader out there is going to look at this study and shout back at me about how it's too general or the sample size is too small or blah blah blah. And they'd be right - the study could be more detailed. But hey, it's just one more tiny but tough nail in the coffin of aerobic exercise. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to realize that the whole energy in vs. energy out quarrel is a crock anyway (yep, another one, am LOVING that word today).

And you know something? You can argue to the cows go home but when you're,

a) going around with a much bigger load on your booty than what you'd probably like or

b) only managing to stay in shape by carefully spaced-out near starvation coupled with 90 minutes+ continuous exercise per day then trust me, You are going to have a really bad time.

In many ways, weight loss and ideal health is very simple. Sure, it takes commitment, knowledge, and definitely some staying power, but it sure doesn't (need to) take over your life. This is not just a simple math. As this lovely lady recently discovered, eating higher calories and changing the way you workout could be just the answer you're looking for.

So. Don't you feel this is the high time to kick that nasty cardio habit once and for all from your life? And if after all that you're still not sure (seriously!), then promise me this. Just go for it for a month and you will get your answers, GUARANTEED.

Check out my blog Body Incredible for fat loss, nutrition and for motivational tips. And if you'd like to learn what it really takes to be in exceptional shape as a busy woman, visit Woman Incredible

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VO2 Max: A Measure of Cardio Respiratory Fitness


Assessment of cardiorespiratory fitness is important for both athletes as well as the members of the general population. In athletes for apparent reasons. While in general population, VO2 max can be used to predict subsequent development of cardiovascular disease. Thus, VO2 max studies can be used for prevention, both primary as well as secondary, of development of cardiovascular sequelae like angina pectoris or myocardial infarction.

Furthermore, since cardiorespiratory fitness has been linked decisively to early deaths from a variety of causes, VO2 max studies in general population assume immense significance.

So what exactly is VO2 max? Well, in literal terms, it is the volume (V) of oxygen (O2) during maximum exercise that your body is able to transfer. As we all know, during exercise, your body needs energy and the chemical reaction to produce energy require oxygen (especially aerobic exercises). Thus, the higher your VO2 max,the more your body can transport oxygen effectively during times of intense training. Therefore, you will be able to train longer at higher intensity levels.

Methods of Assessing VO2 max

VO2 max can be measured using either maximal or sub maximal exercise testing protocols. Maximum exercise testing involves pushing the subject to the limit of intense physical exercise. So much so, that immediate medical attention is usually required. Maximal exercise testing is a true reflection of VO2 max. However, for obvious reasons, this method is best avoided, at least in the general population. Most authorities recommend the submaximal method (using submaximal loads of exercise intensity). Once the values are obtained using this method, regression equations are used to predict the actual VO2 max.

Whereas, maximal exercise testing is more sensitive, submaximal exercise testing is safer, esp. when implemented in members of the population who are not accustomed to training.

Maximal Exercise Testing:

Maximal exercise testing requires trained individuals and sophisticated equipment. Therefore, it is used only in certain clinical settings.

Submaximal Exercise Tests

Astrand and Rhyming Step Test: This test is carried out using a 33cm step/ aerobic bench for women and 40cm step for men. It involves stepping up and down the step or bench at the rate of 22.5 per min. ECG and steady state heart rate readings are taken. It would require 25.8 and 29.5 mL/Kg/min of oxygen uptake for women and men respectively.

YMCA step test and The Canadian Home Fitness Test can also be used for submaximal exercise testing. The step tests are popular because of use of minimal equipment and ease of implementation. Another major advantage is the minimal cost as well as the fact that large number of subjects can be tested at the same time as shown by The Canadian Home Fitness Test.

3 min. YMCA Step Test: This test determines how quickly your heart rate returns to normal after a bout of exercise. It uses a 12 inch aerobic bench. The subject steps onto the bench with a rate of 24 per minute (estimated oxygen uptake of 25.8 mL/Kg/Min.). After 3 min., the subject immediately sits down and the HR is counted for a minute. It is crucial that the HR is counted starting within 5 sec of stopping the exercise. The obtained HR values are then used to compare against established norms.

Treadmill Tests: A minimal of 3 min. treadmill test using 70% of heart rate reserve or and 85% of maximal heart rate as the end point of test is a better predictor of VO2 max than the step tests. Pretty much like in the step tests, achieving a steady state heart rate is imperative to get accurate data. Thus, the need to carry out the test for a minimum of 3min. Variety of treadmill test protocols are used: Bruce Protocol being the most popular of all.

Cycle Ergometer Tests

Astrand-Rhyming Cycle Ergometer Test: This is a 6 minute single stage test. The subject pedals at a rate of 50rpm to achieve a HR between 125 and 170 beats/min. HR should be measured during the 5th and 6th minute of the test. An average of 2 or more HR reading is taken and used to estimate VO2 max from Modified Astrand-Rhyming Normogram.

Other test like Maritz Test use a multi-stage cycle ergometer test to determine VO2 max.


A plethora of tests for assessing aerobic capacity are available. This, however, makes the choice of test to be used a bit difficult. A lot, however, depends on the subject, his/her cardiorespiratory status as well as availability of equipment and trained personnel.

At the end of the day, designing and implementing a good fitness program, either as a preventive measure for a cardiovascular disease or to achieve fitness goals is equally, if not more, important.

Hi there,
I am a sports medic, an elite personal trainer, a weight loss consultant, and a fitness writer and speaker. For more information on my personal training services or if you have any queries, do not hesitate to get in touch with me at http://www.thefitnessdoc.co.uk/#!__contact-me.

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Training to Lose Weight

It is important that when you are training to lose weight that you:

1) Train at the right intensity to achieve weight loss.

2) Train long enough so your body burns fat.

3) Use the right type of fluids and food so you have energy to train.

Train at the right intensity to achieve weight lose

For people fairly new to exercise start off light, for example: if you never do any/little exercise then start off with a walk, if you walk then start running lightly.

If you are comfortable running then you could try running a little faster.

There are plenty of different ways to exercise, these include running, training with weights such as kettles and dumbbells, swimming and many more.

Try and find a nice steady rhythm in whatever exercise you choose and push your body a little extra.

Train hard enough to sweat. You should be able to speak (by this I don't mean you should have a lengthy conversation but you should be able to say a few words without losing your breath).

Train long enough so your body burns fat

Whichever way you choose to exercise is fine so long as you do it continuously for more than 20 minutes.

It is important that your body gets into what is known as its Oxidative System.

This happens naturally when you exercise for normally twenty minutes without stopping.

Do not push yourself too hard. If you need to take a break for any reason then do so.

If you wish to go for longer, then good on you, however know your limit. A good 20 minute workout where you pushed yourself hard enough is better than 1 hour of

stopping and chatting. QUALITY OVER QUANTITY.

Use the right type of fluids and food so you have energy to train.

When you are thirsty drink WATER. The body is made up of mostly water.

When you are thirsty it is important you refuel it with what it needs the most. Avoid soft drinks as well as coffee and tea.

Just as important is to eat the right food.

Knowledge of what is in the food your eating is a big part of having the energy to exercise and key to weight loss.

Understand the food you eat or try reading the label on the foods you buy. Choose foods high in carbohydrates and proteins.

When it comes to fat- eat it in lower amounts. Your body needs fat to survive so don't leave it out completely of what you eat, it's not possible anyway.J

Have your high carbohydrate food a couple of hours before you exercise and a hour or two after you exercise eat something high in protein.

Protein after exercise repairs your muscles- does not make you gain weight or fat.

Carbohydrates give you the energy to train. Eat good carbohydrates such as bread,pasta, rice and products made from wheat and flour.

Avoid foods such as candy, sweats etc.



bestexerciseworkouts is a site about exercise and all feilds related to that topic, visit it today at http://bestexerciseworkouts.com/

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How Rowing Can Get You Fit

Nowadays, a lean and mean physique can be easy to achieve considering the abundance of gym fitness equipment. The most important gym equipment for sculpting the body is the rowing machine that every body builder must have in his/her home gym. Read on and find out how it can lead to a sculpted physique worthy to be flaunted.

Let's first discuss what an indoor rowing machine is so that we can better understand how it benefits the body in terms of toning it. Basically, an indoor rowing machine is designed to simulate the rowing action made on a canoe, a boat and other water craft where oars are used.

The basic operation of a BODY SCULPTURE ROWING machine is simple, too. You sit on the padded seat, strap in your feet on the foot pads, and then grab the handles using an 7overhand grip. You can then begin the movements like the drive, finish, recovery and catch positions. For the first few times, you may require the expert assistance of a personal trainer so as to avoid the most common mistakes when using an indoor rower. These mistakes include leaning too far forward and too far back as well as abruptly jerking back on the handle with the arms.

The next issue is: How does an indoor rower sculpt the body so that it has a lean and mean appearance? The best answer is that it works effectively and efficiently on all the main muscle groups in the body, thus, promoting a well-balanced physique from the shoulders to the legs.

To be more specific, a BODY SCULPTURE ROWING machine works on the legs and hips, the upper and lower back, and the hamstrings and calves. We did imply that an indoor rower is the best tool for a whole-body workout.

Let's take a closer look. First, the muscles on your legs and hips are developed with each powerful leg drive. Take note that when you push back on your seat, your quads and gluts do most of the work while your hamstrings take up the slack, so to speak.

Second, your back muscles also participate in each movement on the BODY SCULPTURE ROWING machine. Your back muscles exert effort to keep your back as flat as possible while you are rowing back and forth. Even your arms are involved in each action although not as much as your legs and hips.

Third, your hamstrings and calves help in moving your body forward. With each push against the footrest, these muscles work, too.

However, these benefits of a total body workout will be for naught if and when you fail to adopt proper form and technique when using the BODY SCULPTURE ROWING machine. For starters, we suggest keeping your wrists straight and your forearms parallel to the floor. You must drive off using your legs first and then pull with your arms second.

And of course, a healthy diet and lifestyle is essential to achieving a lean and mean physique. You may be using the indoor rowing machine on a regular basis and you are adopting proper form but when your body is not nourished with nutritious foods, then you can say goodbye to a toned body.

Nowadays, a lean and mean physique can be easy to achieve considering the abundance of gym fitness equipment. The most important gym equipment for sculpting the body is the BODY SCULPTURE ROWING machine that every bodybuilder must have in his/her home gym. Read on and find out how it can lead to a sculpted physique worthy to be flaunted.

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Aerobic Activity For Better Sleep: How Aerobic Activity Resolved My Sleeping Disorder

Aerobic activity was the big factor in resolving my serious sleep disorder. Since we are all different, and since sleep disorders are very different, I don't expect your experience to be exactly like mine. But let me tell you my story so that you can determine for yourself whether or not aerobic activity might help your sleep the way it helped mine.

For about 19 years I lived as a missionary in South America. After being there for about two years I started to get very severe headaches. Trying to sleep them off didn't help at all. The more I slept the worse the headaches got. Eventually I was waking up with a splitting headache almost every day, and often they lasted all day. I went to a clinic for some physiotherapy, but that didn't seem to help at all.

One day, while visiting at home, I remembered once overhearing a friend tell someone how vigorous aerobic activity had resolved a serious sleeping disorder that he had. His sleeping disorder was much different from mine, but I figured that it couldn't hurt giving it a try. I could never have imagined what a change it made! My headaches became fewer and fewer until they almost disappeared.

I was delighted with the results of the aerobic activity, but for a long time I couldn't figure out how it worked or why. Eventually I started to understand. The source of my headaches was the stiff muscles in my neck. The longer I slept the stiffer my neck became, and the worse my headaches grew. But with aerobic activity I was able to get to sleep much more quickly. I also got much more out of my sleep so that I didn't need to sleep nearly as long. So I was up and out of bed before my stiff neck turned into a headache.

Aerobic activity helps me to get more out of my sleep. I usually get about 6 hours of sleep each night, but I get more out of it than some people get out of eight hours of sleep each night. That gives me two extra productive hours each day, or 14 extra hours per week. That's almost like adding an extra day to my week! Nobody can be healthy without good sleep, but good sleep does not necessarily mean a lot of sleep. There are some people who regularly sleep ten hours each night and then are lethargic and unproductive all day long. Aerobic activity helps a person sleep quicker and better so that his waking hours are more productive.

Mark Roof has experienced first hand the changes that aerobic activity has made in his own life, and he is eager to share the benefits with the world. There is more on the subject of Cardio Aerobics Exercise for healthy digestion, sleep, and psychological health. Or, if you want the whole story, please visit aerobicexcellence.com.

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Can I Lose Weight Through Cardiovascular Exercise?

Cardiovascular exercise does play prominent part in losing weight. It is really just one part of a three tier program that helps in dropping weight. Diet and strength training also play a big importance in our quest to drop a few pounds and get healthier. Regular cardiovascular exercise for instance improves your fitness by allowing our heart to get stronger which in turn makes it work more efficiently. A stronger heart also helps in the flushing out of toxins our bodies have either created or, from foods that we have consumed. By flushing out these toxins this in turns allows our bodies to run cleaner and promotes weight loss as well.

Cardiovascular exercise also helps to distribute oxygen throughout our bodies keeping our muscles stronger by building up stamina and allowing them to work harder and longer. It is a known fact today in the fitness world that bigger, stronger muscles built through strength and aerobic training combined, will burn more calories and increase your metabolism. A faster metabolism equates to burning calories constantly which helps in the war against fat and weight loss.

Cardiovascular exercise can be completed in many forms. Walking, swimming, and hiking for instance is just several that is considered aerobic. To get the most out of aerobic exercise and conditioning however, it should involve your legs such as running, or cycling. It is important to burn more calories to get the weight off, you should use aerobic exercise that is involving large muscle groups such as the legs and hips.

Getting your heart rate up is important for the exercise to be effective. During cardiovascular exercise your heart rate should be between sixty-five and eighty-five percent of your maximum heart rate. That is determined by subtracting 220 from your age. That number will tell you what your maximum heart rate is and important to determine how hard you can push yourself. Then multiply.65 by your maximum heart rate and that is the lowest number you should be working at, to get the higher number take.85 then multiply that by your maximum heart rate.

For instance a 54 year old male or female would take 220-54=166. Take 166x.65 that gets you 107.9. Or take 220-54=166, take 166x.85 and that gets you 141.1. these are the number of beats per minute you should be working at during exercise to make your weight loss efforts productive.

Start out three to five times a week if you can to make your fat fighting efforts effective. Starting somewhere is the key however. Be sure if you have a medical condition or injury that you consult your doctor before diving into a cardiovascular routine.

Remember however that aerobic exercise should be combined with a sound diet and strength training plan to be highly successful.

Richard Haynes PTA
Punta Gorda, Florida.

Richard Haynes is a Physical Therapist Assistant and Certified Personal Trainer working in the home health sector with specialization in orthopedic rehabilitation and medical fitness.
Richard owns Total Joint Fitness LLC which is an orthopedic and medical fitness company for adults with questions on strength training and weight loss.

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Lose Weight With Cardiovascular Exercise

It seems that it is now in fashion to say that cardiovascular workouts are not the way to lose weight. More and more trainers are saying that strength training or interval training is the best way to burn body fat and lose weight.

This may be true but cardiovascular workouts definitely work for weight loss. As long as you do them right, they can be very effective. I know this from my personal experience. When I first started losing weight, cardio played a big role in my success.

But how do you lose weight with cardiovascular exercises and why do some people seem against it?

To answer the latter part of the question first, I believe that a lot of trainers believe that cardio is simply not the best or most time efficient way to lose weight. This has some merit. Other forms of exercise can be more calorie expensive than the traditional form of cardio which calls for a protracted workout at a medium pace.

This is the main thing which people do wrong: they choose length of workout over the quality of it The truth is that you need to make a real effort in your workouts to make them effective. The harder you work, the more calories you are likely burning and the easier it gets to lose weight.

To lose weight with cardiovascular workouts you need to do hard workouts and they should also be fun. When people ask me what is the best form of cardio to do, I just tell them to do what they like. This is the best thing for them. I believe that running, cycling, and rowing are among the most intense and effective cardio workouts there are. However, if what you like is swimming or using the elliptical machine then go for it. You need to do these workouts for a long time so choose what you like.

One way in which I like to use cardio in my workouts is to combine it with strength exercises. For instance, if, in the middle of your run, you stop and do some squats or push-ups or lunges, you get a completely different experience than with just a cardio workout.

The bottom line is that cardio needs to be fun and it needs to be intense. If it's not the former then you won't stick to it. If it's not the latter it will not give you results. Combine the two for the best effect.

For the best workouts visit Top 10 Cardiovascular Exercises. For a program to help you lose weight with cardio visit Weight Loss Cardio Review. Jonathan Dunsky is a health and fitness writer.

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5 Secrets for Maximum Fat Burning

Need to lose extra fat from your belly, legs and thighs? The key to weight loss can be boiled down to 5 factors. If you focus in on these five weight loss factors you will begin to see the scale move in the negative direction. You will go from really overweight to overweight, to acceptable weight to normal weight. Finally in 3 to 4 months of continued diet monitoring, you will become your ideal weight.

#1: Sleep to Burn more Fat
There are five stages of sleep. The key to weight loss is achieving the fifth level of sleep or REM sleep. How do you know that you have reached the fifth level of sleep? It is when you have dreams. The more you dream, the more your body can achieve true rest and repair itself. This will result in maximum calorie burn and maximum weight loss. During the REM phase of sleep, intense dreaming occurs and the brain becomes very active. Hormones and enzymes are secreted to stimulate organ repair and even digestion. Due to lack of sleep more and more business people are becoming obese. Business people and busy adults do not have enough sleep. Sleep allows all of your muscles to relax and recover from stress. After a good night's sleep, you might notice that you function better the next day. It is simple. The better your body functions, the more weight you are able to lose. If you want to lose weight, you need to sleep at least 7 hours a night. Try going to bed earlier. Also, the more you sleep, the less chances you will have to eat late night snacks.

#2: Supplement for Fat Loss
Foods today are empty of nutrients. If you drink milk, it does not have the naturally occurring vitamin D. Look at your label and check it out for yourself. The vitamin D in your milk has been artificially added. Lemons are chock full of Vitamin C. Check out the lemonade in your refrigerator, it will not contain any Vitamin C. This is because pasteurization removes all of the nutrients from your liquid beverages. Most people are drinking high priced sugar water. The worst part is that they pay extra for sugar water in an effort to lose weight.

To lose weight, you are going to have to change your diet and it starts with supplementing. Supplements are important because they provide minerals and vitamins that have been removed from your food. Depending on how much weight you need to lose, I recommend Bioneferin Fat Loss Pill. Both will help you lose 30 pounds to 50 pounds and skip all the garbage of many supplements. There is so much garbage in the store when it comes to weight loss. This is why I recommend weight loss supplements that are only made from natural ingredients.

#3: Drink Green Tea
The key to weight loss is keeping the body properly hydrated. Don't just go out drinking bottle after bottle of water. You need water with benefits; water that burns fat and detoxes the body. This is why I recommend drink green tea with no sugar. You can add a lemon, but do not add any sugar. No artificial sweeteners. If you want to lose weight, you are going to have to drink your tea without sugar. Sugar kills the weight loss benefits of green tea. If you start drinking at least 32 ounces of green tea a day you can expect to go down a dress size every two weeks. The secret to green tea weight loss can be found in the amount of catechin polyphenols, particularly epigallocatechingallate (EGCG) that green tea contains. EGCG is a powerful anti-oxidant and once released in your body, its helps fat burning and your body's performance. Green tea is great for weight loss and has other benefits such as inhibiting cancer and repairing damage tissue in overweight individuals.

#4: Eat More Carbs.
The body needs carbs. Eat good carbs and your body will lose more weight. So many people have become scared of carbs. I want to remove your fear. There are bad carbs and good carbs. The carbs you need for weight loss come from whole grains, green vegetables, organic fruits that are not treated with pesticides. If you stop eating carbs, your body will begin lacking many of the vitamins, minerals, fiber, and phytonutrients that your body needs to build muscle and trigger fat burning. Take a Slimatrol carb blocker before eating carbs and your body will only absorb the nutrients you need and pack on extra weight. Relax and live life.

But, avoid bad carbs. Bad carbs cause you to gain weight. Often, bad carbs come from packaged foods like soda, little Debbie pastries, Dunkin Donuts, white breads, rice, and anything that has been enriched. It is a fact that bad carbs will contribute to weight gain and good carbs can help your body function properly and create weight loss.

#5: Exercise for 30 minutes 4 days a week.
When it comes to exercise, just a little will go a long way. It is not about how much you exercise, it is about the quality of your exercise. You want to be focused when you exercise so cut off the cell phone. You cannot get a good workout while talking on the phone. If you are walking, walk with intensity. Move your arms. If you are a runner, try sprinting every other block. If you go to a gym try alternating between the elliptical and the treadmill. If you do not have a gym membership and want to exercise from home, I recommend getting a workout video. There are so many to choose from, so I suggest Taebo, because it is affordable and effect. It comes with an amazing television trainer that really cares about you losing weight.

Over 12,683 people and counting have used these weight loss factors to lose pounds. I give this information out for free because no one needs to be depressed over how much they weigh. If you are going to be depressed, it needs to be about world poverty, crime, or injustice. These 5 weight loss factors will help you get over yourself and transform into a more positive, albeit thinner person.

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Aerobics Workouts For Awesome Health

Aerobics workouts are fun ways for you to keep fit, control your weight and maintain a strong and healthy body. Even if the recent aerobics craze has swept the entire world with its very own feel, the recent times features abundant information and tools about aerobics that has never existed before.

Aerobics routines when done in greater intensities can help reduce fat and at the same time tone muscle tissues. Aerobics can be performed at home or in the gym and is perhaps one of the most enjoyable methods of doing workout and losing weight.

Aerobics Workouts for the Heart

Cardiac exercise routines are usually made up of aerobic exercises such as swimming, walking and jogging. Aerobic programs will help you burn much of the unwanted fats in your body. Cardiac aerobics exercises are especially geared towards making the heart work at a rapid fast giving it extra work to the heart muscles itself and the lungs.

Some of the most common cardio workouts include cycling, running, sit ups, rowing, swimming, jogging, walking and several sports activities such as soccer, badminton etc.

Cardio aerobics workouts optimize oxygen consumption and improve the cardio respiratory function. Among its most common benefits include:

• Promoting better sleep and rest periods

• Helps minimize stress levels

• Can be a temporary relief from anxiety and pain

• Improves a person sense of well being and self esteem

• Can help you shed off fatty tissues

• Enhances an individual's daily energy level

• Bone mass improvement

• Strengthens the muscles of your lungs and heart

Aerobics Workouts Tips

Before even starting your very own aerobic workout at home, try to ascertain your age and fitness level. People have varied reasons for signing up to these weight loss programs. There are individuals who simply want to lose weight and others, maintain their good shape.

Understand the benefits that you will be getting out of these aerobics workouts. Aerobics is a form of cardio exercise routine that enhances the overall health and fitness level of an individual. It strengthens the lungs, heart, circulatory and immune systems of the human body. It is also something that can help relax your muscles thus lifting up your mood and providing you with a sound mental health.

Make sure you plan your aerobics workouts. Begin with a ten to fifteen minute routine at least thrice weekly and then gradually increase it to maybe thirty minutes for five times every week. If you want to achieve the optimal benefits for your workout routines, and then make sure you integrate strength training with your aerobics exercises at home.

Don't forget to begin your aerobic routine with a five minute warm up session. This can be followed by strength training session. Do lighter aerobics consistently for about fifteen to twenty minutes. After all, you don't shed off those fats overnight. You definitely need more effort, time and personal discipline.

When the body gets accustomed to your light aerobics workouts, you may gradually increase its duration and intensity. Interchange aerobics and strength training everyday and don't forget to take a day off from all the sweating!

Discover the advantages of living a healthy lifestyle and see the benefits that a well balanced diet can do for you. For more information about weight loss, healthy living, getting the proper diet and exercise and other useful health tips go to: Health Tips 101

Get Your "FREE" Daily Diet & Exercise Tips Newsletter Today! And For A Limited Time Get The Fantastic FREE Report "Better Health With Vitamins" And Discover How To Live Longer And Live Stronger!

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Aerobic Activity For Healthy Lungs: How Aerobic Activity Makes Lungs Work More Efficiently

Aerobic activity is defined by Wikipedia as "physical exercise that intends to improve the oxygen system and refers to the use of oxygen in the body's metabolic or energy-generating process." The ability to absorb oxygen is what it's all about. The body of a well-conditioned person absorbs oxygen much more efficiently than the body of an inactive person.

The lungs of a normal-sized adult carry about 300 million tiny, microscopic sacks called alveoli. The walls of these sacks are only one cell thick and are each covered with a mesh of blood vessels. When the lungs fill with air the oxygen flows through the sack walls into the blood vessels and enters the blood stream. These 300 million microscopic alveoli have a combined surface area of about 150 square meters (about the size of a tennis court) through which the oxygen is absorbed.

The problem is that nobody can use all of his 300 million alveoli when he breathes. Everyone has a certain portion of his lungs which can never expel the air that is in them. The portion of the lungs which always retains its air is called "residual volume," and its purpose is to keep the lungs from collapsing. The portion of the lungs that is useful for breathing is called the "vital capacity." In an unconditioned body, a much smaller portion of the lungs is vital capacity and the residual volume is much larger than what it needs to be. As a body becomes conditioned with regular aerobic activity, the vital lung capacity increases substantially. In a well conditioned body the vital lung capacity will be about 75%.

A body needs aerobic exercise to prepare it for the maximum stress that it will face. When a person is at rest his body expends very little energy and requires a relatively small supply of oxygen. But when a person exerts himself, his body may demand as much as 20 times the oxygen that it needs when the body is at rest. If the lungs are not capable of delivering the oxygen supply that the body needs, the heart may suffer serious damage or complete failure as it over works itself in an attempt to compensate for inadequate vital lung capacity.

The lungs have no muscles of their own. They depend on the surrounding muscles to inflate them as the diaphragm lowers and the rib cage expands. As a person conditions himself with regular aerobic exercise, these muscles become toned and acquire more tissue to make them stronger. Regular aerobic activity also programs the breathing muscles to work much faster. It is an experimental fact. An unconditioned person will normally be able to breathe about 10 times his vital capacity in one minute. After just six weeks of substantial aerobic activity, that same person will be able to breath 20 times his vital lung capacity in one minute.

Mark Roof has experienced first hand the changes that aerobic activity has made in his own life, and he is eager to share the benefits with the world. There is more on the subject of Cardio Exercise Training for healthy heart, lungs, and blood vessels. Or, if you want the whole story, please visit aerobicexcellence.com

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Benefits of Bootcamp Workouts for Women

There are many classes that are bootcamp workouts for women only popping up around town. This is a great idea because there are a lot of women that don't want to workout with guys. It's intimidating for any one that hasn't worked out before to join a gym. This is even truer for women. Working out around muscle building men isn't something most women beginning a fitness routine want to do. It's a scary experience especially if you are shy or uncomfortable with your body. Bootcamps for women are great because women can be comfortable knowing they are working out with only women.

Bootcamps are a great way to start working out if you haven't before or even if you want to get back into it. What most women like about bootcamps is the fact that they don't need to rely on one of their friends for someone to workout with. The bootcamp is filled with other women that have similar goals to theirs. It's also more fun working out with others. No one likes to suffer alone. Seeing everyone else working their butt off will keep you going and motivated to do better every time. Think of it as healthy competition.

In addition to the weight loss benefits of working out with a bootcamp many women notice changes in their self esteem, attitude, feelings, health and outlook on life because they are participating in a regular fitness routine. This is due to their body being in better shape and looking better as well.

These bootcamp for women can be found at your local gym or park. There may be more than one bootcamp for women program in your area to choose from. You may find bridal bootcamps, kick boxing, cardio, fat loss, seniors, or even ones that use fitness equipment. Just because this is a women's bootcamp doesn't mean it's going to be easy. Be prepared to work.

You can find the right women's bootcamp for you by looking for testimonials on the internet or from friends. This is a great way to get more information about what the program is like. Most bootcamps will have certified trainers but some may not so make sure to check their qualifications before signing up and ask any questions you may have about the bootcamp. Some outdoor bootcamps may have alternative arrangements for rain dates or may have a make up date.

Now that you have learned some of the benefits of bootcamp workouts for women you may be more inclined to workout in a place you can be comfortable working out in without being intimidated. Be sure to get checked out by your doctor before starting a new fitness routine or joining a bootcamp for women.

Get some of the best workout and client-attraction secrets of the world's best bootcamps to help you build your bootcamp business at http://bootcamp-exercises.info/bootcampinstructors.html

If you aren't a trainer but would like some secrets, tips and bootcamp workouts to get great fat burning results from your workout check out http://bootcamp-exercises.info/bootcampers.html

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Precisely What Are The 5 Chief Factors Behind Adult Acne Breakouts? And, How Do I Control It?

You are not by yourself. Greater than 50% of older women and 25% of adult men experience zits.

I know those data aren't any comfort and they do not reply to the main issue of why do you have adult zits.

Regardless if you are a kid, a teen, or a grownup, the main cause of acne pimples within your body that produces acne is exactly the same. An excessive amount of sebum from the sebaceous glands fuses with old skin debris and clogs the epidermal follicle.

Teenager pimples are ordinarily triggered because the hormonal transformations you are going through being a teenager stimulate the sebaceous glands to generate extra sebum when compared to that before the age of puberty,

Generally this action stops in your late youth and you have pores and skin free of zits for several years, sometimes once and for all. Grownup break-outs can start in individuals in their 20's, 30's, or possibly 40's.

As the internal processes that result in acne pimples are the same, the external situations in our lifestyles are substantially different.

The 5 key factors behind mature break-outs are:

1. Stress

Researchers are finding that emotional stress induces your mind to influence your nervous system, which in turn sends information to various areas of your body. The result of this reaction is hormonal secretions out of your adrenal glands and an excessive amount of secretions from the sebaceous glands. This boost in sebum has the potential to then mix with the dead skin cells and block up your skin pores.

One more distinction involving teenage break-outs and grownup break-outs is associated with the truth that men and women enjoy a good deal more coffee and tea in comparison with teens. These products have caffeine which stimulates the creation of cortisol. Cortisol is often known as the emotional stress hormonal agent.

2. Hormonal Imbalances

That hormonal imbalances can be a cause of grownup acne mostly among women is not really recent. This has been well-known for a long time because the instability that occurs throughout a woman's menstruation period or as an outcome of getting pregnant can result in acne pimples.

What is new and interesting is that investigators are discovering that there are adult males who report that they have periodic acne attacks. Although adult males obviously do not menstruate, this commentary points scientists to deduce that adult males could quite possibly have hormonal periods akin to women.

3. Makeup

Cosmetic products have for years and years been used to conceal zits. The complication is that a large percentage of cosmetic makeup products are created by using oil or, even worse, oil extracted products. Every time this base is combined with the powders, they produce a blend a whole lot worse compared to the sebum which happens to be the primary reason for the break-outs. And you apply it on the pimples often frequently per day.

Be sure you select non-oil dependent makeup products that have been created for use on your skin type. Being a teenager your type of skin ordinarily was greasy. When you get older your type of skin commonly will become dry or combination. Whenever you are buying cosmetic products it is recommended that you decide to buy mineral makeup.

4. Genetics

Surprisingly most people that have a family heritage of grownup acne sufferers are more likely to experience grownup acne. While you are able to do minimal about your genealogy you can take steps to initiate and observe a routine of avoidance.

5. Environment

The environment is usually a primary cause of acne pimples especially for men and women. Contrary to the rest of your body's epidermis that is thicker and defended by clothes, your facial skin is open daily to a challenging natural environment of pollutants, irritants, and dampness which could trigger a surge in mature break-outs. This is especially true of cigarettes.

Being an adult you will have to be certain that you are employing lotions produced for your type of skin. Adolescents usually have oily skin while older people usually have dry or combination skin. What you utilized for many years as an adolescent is probably completely wrong for you because you are a grownup.

There is a lot more information Causes Of Adult Acne at ?HomeCureForAcneNow.com today. Make sure you also check out Acne No More Review for further information.

Susan Baker has been a licensed, professional aesthetician in Oregon for nearly 20 years. She has treated many clients with acne and have found that following a daily routine of washing or cleansing your face, and following a weekly routine of deep cleaning your pores you can prevent most acne breakouts.

For those who do have breakouts, she offers advice for how to treat pimples, prevent acne scars, and even pop pimples.

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Running: Getting Your Body Into Shape or Destroying It?

Running is a high impact form of exercise. Simply put, a runner lifts himself off the ground with alternating movements of his legs and propels himself forward. Each stride brings the runner's entire body weight into the air and back down to the ground. If a person weighs more than 180 pounds, then running is far from the best form exercise. In fact, it can be unhealthy and even dangerous.

There are many injuries associated with running. Ailments of the feet and joints are very common for people running long distances. People who weigh more are more prone to these injuries because there is more stress on the joints and bones. In the New York Times, exercise researcher Niels H. Secher explained that the best distance runners are smaller individuals, saying, "if you have large legs you have to move a big load. The smaller you are, the better." The ideal male distance runner is a small man, standing around 5'7'' and weighing less than 150 pounds. If you stand 6'4'' and weigh 250 pounds, the damage that will be done to your knees and bones will not be worth the fat you may burn by running.

Getting into shape and losing weight is not easy, but it should not hurt terribly. For larger people looking to slim down and shape up, running should be stricken from their repertoire. Other activities and sports, like swimming and cycling, offer excellent cardiovascular workouts without the punishing shocks to your joints associated with running. Elliptical machines are also better options that hitting the treadmill or the pavement.

When a person decides they need to incorporate exercise into their life, running is often the first thing that comes to mind. To swim you need a pool or body of water; to go cycling you need a bike. Things that cost money, and not pocket change, either. Running can be done alone, at any time of the day, along almost any road or on any trail. The only equipment you need is a good pair of running shoes (but the newer, minimalist kinds because old school running shoes are being found not to benefit anyone).

For people who are small in stature and carry less weight, running may be the right choice. If you are a bit bigger, you should put on your sturdy shoes, go to the road or the trail, and take a long walk. You will burn a lot of calories and your knees will thank you for not running.

Mark Baldwin is a freelance writer and blogger with a penchant for physical fitness. He has been a contributing writer for many websites including cellean.org.

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Aerobic Activity For Digestion Relief: How Aerobic Activity Relieves Irritable Bowel Syndrome

If you suffer with some of the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, you have lots of company. Irritable bowel syndrome afflicts 10% to 15% of all people worldwide. That would be about a billion people around the world who suffer from the same affliction. It affects about 1/5 of Americans, and is a little bit more common in women than in men. In many places around the world it is caused by poor living conditions. In places like the United States, Canada, Europe, and other industrialized nations, this affliction may have its roots in stress or bad eating habits.

Irritable bowel syndrome is a condition characterized by bloating, diarrhea, cramps, constipation and abdominal pain and discomfort. In America it usually develops in late adolescence or early adulthood. By this period of life people are starting to suffer the effects of unhealthy lifestyles like inactivity and bad eating habits. Especially where these symptoms are the result of inactivity, aerobic activity can often correct and reverse much of the damage.

The entire system of an unconditioned person is weak because his inactivity has caused his cardiovascular system to degenerate. Weakened lungs and heart provide the body with a very meager and inadequate blood-oxygen supply so that muscles cannot operate at full capacity. Aerobic activity conditions the body and greatly enhances the blood-oxygen supply to every tissue in the body, including the core muscles that move food and nutrition through the system. The result is that the body's digestive muscles can perform their function and eliminate waste more quickly and efficiently.

An experiment was conducted in Sweden to investigate the effects of Aerobic activity for the relief of irritable bowel syndrome. Participants who were suffering from the disorder were divided into two groups. The first group in the study continued with their normal habits and lifestyle. The second group did moderate or vigorous activity 3 to 5 times a week for periods of about 20 to 30 minutes. When the investigation was completed, 5% of participants in the inactive group reported a decrease in symptoms while 25% of participants reported that their symptoms worsened. In the active group, on the other hand, 51% of participants reported an improvement in symptoms while only 8% of participants reported that their symptoms had worsened.

If the investigation in Sweden had continued for an extended period, the results would probably have shown much greater improvements for those in the active group. When irritable bowel syndrome is the result of many years of inactivity, the body needs time to be reconditioned. A person will probably begin to feel the positive results of aerobic activity within a few days, but it will usually take several weeks to substantially strengthen the cardiovascular system and enrich the body's blood-oxygen supply. Aerobic activity may not be the answer for everyone, but it is a great help to most.

Mark Roof has experienced first hand the changes that aerobic activity has made in his own life, and he is eager to share the benefits with the world. There is more on the subject of Cardio Aerobics Exercise for healthy digestion, sleep, and psychological health. Or, if you want the whole story, please visit aerobicexcellence.com

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Bootcamp Ideas for Personal Trainers Starting a Business

With bootcamp businesses becoming more popular these days many personal trainers are looking for bootcamp ideas to start up their own bootcamp business. They are tired of paying a portion of their personal training profits to the gym for using their facilities for training sessions. With bootcamp training sessions they can provide their services to more clients at a time and make more money even if they are charging less.

If you live in a warm climate your bootcamp business won't cost you much to start-up or run. Many trainers will use their local park to run their bootcamps as they are usually free and people would rather be outside getting fresh air. They have a large amount of flexibility as they are available anytime you chose to use them. The only downside is that people may decide to follow your bootcamp from a distance and not pay the fees or another personal trainer may be spying on what you do for your bootcamp to copy you.

Here are some bootcamp ideas for the types of bootcamps you could have:

All female - Women only bootcamp. Many women feel more confident when they aren't working out around men.All male - Men only, increased intensity for muscle building.Bridal bootcamp - Brides to be and their bridesmaids working out together.Mom and baby - Many mothers want to get out of the house to workout and they can also make new friends for play dates.Seniors bootcamp - Some older people will be discouraged from joining a regular bootcamp because they feel they can keep up with the younger crowd. They want to find people they have more in common with.Singles only - This type of bootcamp is great for single people that want to get to the gym but want to get out and meet someone as well.Couples only - This is a great way to get a workout with partner and meet other people with similar interests.Pregnancy - A workout class for mothers to be focusing on exercises they can do even while they are pregnant.Fat loss, muscle building, cardio, abs or any other fitness goals.Kettlebell - Would require you or your clients to have a kettlebell. Great for fat burning.Stability Ball - Stability ball exercises focusing on core strength.

As you can see there are many different bootcamp ideas you can come up with for the type of bootcamp to have. The best approach would be to involve your current personal training clients in your decision. Find out what kind of bootcamp they would like to join if they are interested in joining one.

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Does Cardio Make You Gain Weight?

Recently I've been asked a question which I found very curious. I was asked whether cardio workouts make you gain weight. I was surprised because cardio is known as a way to lose weight not gain it.

At first I thought that my answer need not be longer than a single line long but then I thought that there may be more to this question and it deserves some clarification.

First, let's talk about the workout itself. It's true that some form of exercising can make you gain weight. This can be true for weight training where you build lean muscle tissue. As you add more muscle to your body your weight may increase even though your body fat may decrease. As most of us care about fat and not just weight, this is usually OK.

Cardio isn't a good way to add muscle to your body. So, you won't be gaining weight by doing cardio in that respect.

Second, there is simply no way that the actual cardio workout that you're doing will make you gain weight. As you're working out, you are burning more calories than usual. Since weight gain requires you to consume more calories than you burn you can see that cardio makes it harder for you to gain weight.

But this isn't the whole story and there is an indirect way in which you may gain weight which relates to cardio. It isn't due to the workout itself but to what happens afterward.

What may happen, and is probably why I was asked that question in the first place, is that a lot of people tend to erase their accomplishments from the workout by consuming too many calories following it. They either feel very hungry after completing their workout session or that they psychologically feel entitled to eat more than they should. This is called post workout compensation and it may be big enough to actually undo all of the calories that you burned during the workout itself.

In some cases you may eat so much that you're actually consuming more calories than you burned during the workout. If you consider that, than cardio may indeed make you fat. However, this is true for all workouts. You need to make sure that you're also eating correctly and in moderation to get the results you're looking for. You won't lose weight otherwise.

So, cardio does not make you gain weight. Your eating habits may.

To avoid undoing your workouts visit Avoid Post Workout Compensation.
For more tips on how to do cardio right for weight loss visit Cardio Workouts That Burn Fat

Jonathan Dunsky lost over 30 pounds through proper nutrition and exercise. He now writes on health and fitness issues.

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The Best Cardio Tips For Newbies

So, you just started doing cardio or you're planning to, and you want to make sure to get it right. I'm sure that you have a lot of questions and things you are wondering about. This is what I hope to help you with in this article.

Let's cover some of the basic tips that you should know about how to do cardio correctly.

How to Choose a Workout

Picking the right cardio workout for you is the first major decision that you need to make. There is a range of opinion as to which is the best for of cardio for you to do. A good rule of thumb is that the more intense a workout is the better it is for fat loss purposes. So, running will prove more helpful than walking.

However, your choice of workout take into account two factors:

1. What you can physically do - If you suffer from certain injuries that make it difficult for you to engage in certain activities than you shouldn't force yourself. A shoulder injury may make rowing hard and knee issues may make walking better than running. You need to do a workout which is physically right for you.

2. Choose something you like - I wouldn't choose running over swimming just because the former is better for weight loss if swimming is your passion. You need to pick a cardio workout that you enjoy. The reason for this is simple: cardio is not a one time thing and you won't get results in a week or even two. You need to do it on a regular basis for a long time for it to be useful. So, you have to do something you love.


You should have the necessary gear to do your workouts correctly. Shoes are the most important item as they can actually help reduce tension on your joints and tendons. You don't need a lot of equipment to start with. Other than shoes, I can think of little which is absolutely necessary.

Intensity Over Length

One misconception about cardio is that you need to do it for a certain length of time in order for it to be useful. This is not accurate. I would rather do a short but intense workout than a long and easy one. You need to push your body during your workouts to see fast results. How long you stay on a treadmill or a bike is not as important as the kind of workout you do.

So, pick a workout you like, have good shoes and gear to do it with and push yourself during your workouts. These are the cardio tips you need to know.

For more cardio tips visit Fat Burning Cardio Workout Tips.

To see how to get the maximum results from swimming visit Swimming Workouts For Flat Abs.

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life.

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